Design Logo
What is a logo? A logo is a visual symbol associated with a product, a company or an idea. They are meant to give the product an identity and a visual appearance people can remember.
There are different kinds of logos. Typographic logos use letters and words. Pictographic logos use visual images. Some logos can be combinations of both pictographic and typographic elements.
Here is a typographic logo using only letters. The words below are added to clarify the message. They have a relationship to the logo, but are not part of the logo.
Here is a typographic logo that is a word.
Here is a pictographic logo that uses a symbolic shape.
Here is a pictographic logo that uses an image.
Here is a pictographic logo that uses an abstract design.
Here is a combination logo that uses text and image.
In your assignment you will create a typographic logo using only your initials. Then you will relate your name to the log. IRENE ELKINSON
To begin this assignment examine the various shapes of your letters To begin this assignment examine the various shapes of your letters. For this example we will use the letters “A” and “M”.
Look at all the ways you can present the letter “A” without destroying the letter form.
Look at all the ways you can present the letter “M” without destroying the letter form.
Now look for common relationships between the shapes of the letters.
Sometimes the relationships between letters can involve dissimilarities.
When a designer is creating a logo there are many things that need to be considered other than visual appearance. A quality logo will meet the following criteria: It is readable. It represents the spirit of the product. It works well both large and small. It works well both black and white and color. It works in a pattern.
A quality logo is readable. The message is easily recognized and understood. This logo represents a group of 8 Northwestern European nations whose aim it is to promote awareness regarding adapting to climate change.
A quality logo works well large. Like it might appear on a vehicle.
A quality logo works well small. John Doe Company President Like it might appear on a business card.
While this might be an interesting graphic, it’s a terrible logo While this might be an interesting graphic, it’s a terrible logo. Even when viewed at this large size its hard to read. Printing this logo on promotional items like pens and pencils would be out of the question.
A quality logo works well in black and white. This is important when you consider how often we photocopy letterheads and other printed information. A quality logo works also works well in color.
A quality logo is simple and not cluttered.
A quality logo makes a strong visual impact distinguishing it from other graphics. Here is a gallery of interesting logo designs.
Balance is a key component in most logo designs Balance is a key component in most logo designs. It is an equilibrium that results from looking at images and judging them against our ideas of physical structure. BALANCE
The Chanel logo demonstrates balance because its symmetrical both vertically and horizontally. This makes the logo “feel” very even and weighted correctly. BALANCE
The Harley Davidson logo shows symmetrical balance because the outline of the whole logo is symmetrical over a vertical axis. The sizing of the letters is also symmetrical. BALANCE
This logo logo shows symmetrical balance because it is symmetrical over a vertical axis. It is also square and even and the lettering is evenly spaced. BALANCE
This logo shows symmetrical balance because it is symmetrical over a vertical axis. The colors also match each other nicely and the shape of the letters look similar. BALANCE
Rhythm creates a sense of movement as well as patterns through the repetition of certain elements.
This logo shows progressive rhythm as well as regular rhythm This logo shows progressive rhythm as well as regular rhythm. Progressive rhythm is shown in the progression of the guitars and regular rhythm is shown in the spacing between the guitar strings. RHYTHM
The Portland Trail Blazers logo shows regular rhythm because the lines are evenly spaced around each other. RHYTHM
This logo shows flowing rhythm as well as regular rhythm This logo shows flowing rhythm as well as regular rhythm. The lines above cisco are evenly spaced and show regular rhythm as well as flowing rhythm because they change in size. RHYTHM
This logo shows regular rhythm because the slanted lines in A and M match up and are evenly spaced apart. RHYTHM
Proportion is the relationship in scale between two or more objects in a design. It can create a sense of depth as well as dominance. PROPORTION
This Logo shows proportion because of the increasing sizes of lines above the adidas name.
The thunderbird logo shows proprotional contrast because the letter is much smaller than the bird which puts more interest and importance on the bird than the letter. PROPORTION
The green mountains (triangles) are different sizes to give the illusion of depth, a great use of proportion. PROPORTION
This logo shows proportion through the A being much larger than and surrounding the M. This shows the importance of the A over the M. PROPORTION
Unity is the interaction between parts of an image and how they interact as a whole. There are different factors of unity such as continuance, closure, similarity, proximity, and alignment. UNITY
The Unilever shows Unity because although it is a bunch of different objects put together, it looks like a U. UNITY
The WWF logo shows unity because although it has a few spots missing on the panda and is not one whole shape, it still looks like a panda and your brain connects what's missing. UNITY
Hemisphere manages to show unity by creating the image of the top half of a sphere through many different unconnected circles. UNITY
This logo shows unity because although there are gaps in the tops of both the M and the A, they both like like an A and an M. UNITY
Dominance is what determines where the eyes land first based on visual weight were certain aspects of a design are dominant over others. DOMINANCE
The pepsi and the circle it is in is proportionally much larger than the background which shows dominance. This is what draws your eyes to the pepsi name first before the rest of the logo. DOMINANCE
The fox in the firefox logo is in the foreground and is very big The fox in the firefox logo is in the foreground and is very big. The blue earth is in the background and takes up much less space which draws your eyes to the fox, showing dominance over the blue earth. DOMINANCE
The Pawn collection logo has one pawn in front of the rest which shows dominance. This brings the eyes to the front and makes the logo much more interesting. DOMINANCE
This logo shows dominance because the A is much bigger than the M showing more importance while also creating contrast and bringing attention to the M. DOMINANCE