Brochure…cont Download and unzip…fixes my boo boos! Finish brochure.pptx Open complete indd
So far Brochureokv2.indd
Finish graphics Open Pages panel Check to be sure on page 1 Stretch the lily to make larger…stretch to edge of gradient Select square 1 Create a white rectangle .6 x .6, place anywhere Paper color Rectangle tool Transform panel to rotate around center reference pt , 45 degrees
Diamond details See h,w and 45 degrees
Center the two Window>Object & Layout>Align Align on centers Select both objects Align center horizontal Align vertical
Ellipse next
Finally, Star a polygon / star (5 sides) , H, W = .8”, Inset 40%
Add Loyal, caring, prompt Use the Text (above) Script MT bold, 14 pt
Group each Drag individually to page 1
Return address next Will Contain: Logo, return address Start: File>Place logo anywhere again Transform 75% size
Rotate the logo Transform Center ref point -90 as rotation:
Resize 75%, rotate -90
Position logo Note the link symbol Means shape NOT embedded, is separate Versus embedded
Return address Create a Text frame 2.4” wide, and .72” tall, anywhere Times new roman, 12 pt
Rotate it … the return address) -90
Do panel # 5 Draw rectangle frame to serve as a colorized background
Fill pantone
Add text frame on top of rectangle Right click and choose Fill with placeholder text (lorem imsom)…watch font, may get script from brfore Or file>place and place the word document from original zip
Page 2 Add a Rectangle Frame over the entire page 2, I used H:4.25 W:2.9 Y=1.5 Fill with new Pantone swatch color
3 text frames…leave space:
3 frames (text)
Thread select lower right of frame 1 . Loads cursor Thread to other .do .on own Fill Add text f frame at top, and bottom Bottom::
top Drag the graphics , one/column Save as pdf or png Insert into a new html page…you know the rest by now