Juniors Program – Lend a Hand
Lend a Hand - Overview Overview ARLD , QRL, NRL and Aussie have created the ‘Lend a Hand’ program aimed at junior rugby league at its grassroots. Aussie already have strong ties with rugby league though they would like to establish closer links with the local community via the ‘Lend a Hand’ program. The ‘Lend a Hand’ program is a real opportunity for junior clubs to boost their funds. The ‘Lend a Hand’ program, will see Aussie donate $100 for any adult member of the junior rugby league community who attends an appointment with an Aussie mortgage broker, to the junior club of the person’s choice. The initiative will run from March 3 to September 30, 2010 and is open to anyone associated with a junior rugby league club in QLD, NSW and the ACT, or referred to the initiative by a junior club.
Lend a Hand - Incentives Club Incentive $100 for any adult member of the junior rugby league community who attends an appointment with an Aussie Mortgage Broker, to the junior club of the person’s choice. $5000 given to the Club with the most appointments by the closing date - 30 September 2010 Club Member Incentive Opportunity to provide $100 given to the junior club of the person’s choice. Club member is entered into the draw with the chance to win: Tickets to State of Origin II – Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane One (1) of four (4) places in a box at the 2010 Telstra Premiership Grand Final (*Flights not included)
Lend a Hand - Communication District Managers Campaign presented to QRL Division Managers via email QRL will send email/information on campaign to QRL Division Managers Division Managers to then forward opportunity to QRL Club Managers Club Managers Club Managers receive email from Division Managers If a Club Manager wants help promoting the program they can email lendahand@aussie.com.au and we can match an Aussie Broker to them Aussie Brokers will proactively contact all Junior Clubs, so expect a call Club Members Included in the Club Managers email will be a separate email for them to send to Club Members Call to Action (CTA): to book an appointment Club Member goes to www.aussie.com.au/lendahand
Communication flow Landing page aussie.com.au/lendahand Email to Club Managers Email to Club Members
Lend a Hand - PR/Launch Mario Fenech is the ambassador of the program Campaign will be launched at the 2010 NRL Season Media Briefing Media releases will be distributed to press, TV and radio, as well as through our social media channels. A localised version of the release will be sent to local media. Once the program has built up momentum – we will look at local media for individual Brokers throughout the Season The timeline for launch communications is below: Date Action Thurs 8 April QRL (Kathy) to send email to Division Managers for them to send to QRL Club Managers Friday 9 April QRL Division Managers send email to QRL Club Managers within each Division Monday 12 April QRL Club Managers to email their Club Members with the offer
Start lending a hand Visit www.aussie.com.au/lendahand Request an appointment with an Aussie Mortgage Broker Adult member of the junior rugby league community attends appointment Upon completion of the appointment Aussie confirms meeting with NRL NRL consolidates appointment list Facilitation of the payments will be made in April, July and October Clubs will receive payment via cheque from the NRL Club Member competition draw Aussie Mortgage Brokers have been matched to all Junior Clubs, and will be contacting the clubs to help with the promotion of this campaign.