Open Science and Research Initiative in Finland and Services for Research Data Management © 2015 OKM ATT 2014–2017 initiative Licenced under Creative Commons BY 4.0
Open Science and Research Initiative 2014-2017 Ministry of Education and Culture initiative for the promotion of information availability and open science Goal to make Finland a leading country in openness of science and research Scope of the initiative includes publications, research data, and methods Provides researchers with practical knowledge in how they as individuals can implement open science Several services offered by the Ministry to researchers
Open Science and Research vision Open research leads to surprising discoveries and creative insights Reinforcing the intrinsic nature of science and research Strenthening openness-related expertise Ensuring a stable foundation for the research process Increasing the social impact of research
Open Science and Research services Open Science and Research Handbook, Data management guide Services Etsin research data finder IDA research data storage service AVAA open data publishing platform Aila data service portal Language Bank of Finland Doria & Theseus publication archives FINTO ontology service
Research lifecycle and Open Science services Planning Implementation Storage Publishing Discovery Reuse Open Science and Research Handbook Data management guide and checklist
Etsin is a research data finder service Etsin forms a metadata catalogue for research data Provides an URN identifier for data sets Enables meriting researchers based on datasets Independent of storage services, contains only metadata Offers information on possibility of reuse of data
Research data storage for projects in Finnish universities, universities of applied sciences and the Academy of Finland Secure storage procedures with data replication Open source iRODS technology, several user interfaces Data owner decides on the openness and data usage policy Will form part of the long-term preservation system of data
AVAA is a platform for publishing open research data Enhances accessibility of research data in a reusable format Offers generic and specialized applications for utilizing data, e.g. download, analysis and visualizations Independent of data storage location Pilot cases of research data sets and related access tools under devopment in the portal
Aila Aila provides access to datasets archived at the Finnish Social Science Data Archive and their study descriptions in Finnish and English All users can browse and search data, read study descriptions and download open access data By registering, users can download data which have access conditions, free of charge Haka authentication possible
Language Bank of Finland Language Bank of Finland is a collection of services for language research by the FIN-CLARIN consortium The services consist of an extensive array of text and speech corpora as well as applications to study them in a potent computational environment Research units deposit their data in the Language Bank for maintenance and distribution to researchers around the country
Publication archive services Technical platform for the preservation, cataloguing and distribution of digital collections, for publication archive use Doria is a multi-institutional repository including records from universities and the National Library Theseus is an institutional repository platform for the Finnish universities of applied sciences Based on open source DSpace software
FINTO Finto is a Finnish thesaurus and ontology service maintained by the National Library The service enables both the publication and browsing of vocabularies The service also offers interfaces for integrating the thesauri and ontologies into other applications and systems
More information and contacts Service websites Service overview Open science contact address