…To move Forward Planning Preparation Achievable Goals How?
5S’s Strength Stamina Speed Suppleness Skill All are required to develop an athlete who can throw!
Strength Power cleans Snatch Squats Bench press Press/Jerk behind neck Core strength and stability
Stamina Circuit training 2-400m sprinting High rep weights Long throwing sessions Quads
Speed Lifting 60-30m sprints 5m sprints Jumps/Plyometrics Fast…High Power 60-30m sprints 5m sprints Jumps/Plyometrics
Suppleness Warm Up/Down Stretching Massage Range of Motion in Exercises and Technique
Skill Technical drills Exercise specific movements Balance and co-ordination
5 S’s Which one is key? Strength Stamina Speed Suppleness Skill
They are Equal!!!
One Technique does not fit all Athletes Technical Models Al Feuerbach Ulf Timmerman Werner Gunthoer John Godina Reese Hoffa
Posture/Positions Each Athlete has their own movement pattern (1)Start (2)Middle (3)Active feet (4)Aggressive delivery Each Athlete has their own movement pattern This movement must include hitting the 4 key points! 4 Keys