A resource for academic staff in Higher Education A resource for academic staff in Higher Education STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH
Aims To understand the relationship we all have with mental health To raise awareness in order to help protect positive mental health To consider role related responsibilities in supporting student mental health 2 A resource for academic staff in Higher Education STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH
Responsibilities Duty of Care to support students’ mental health Equality Act 2010 Disabled students not disadvantaged The anticipatory duty Reasonable adjustments made Promote equality Health and Safety Responsibility to identify hazards and limit risk 3 A resource for academic staff in Higher Education STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH
Supporting Student Mental Health A three dimensions model Promote Prevent Support 4 A resource for academic staff in Higher Education STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH
Acting to Support Mental Health Promote: Act to increase capability What helps people to stay well? Prevent: Act when problems likely Anticipate, early intervention, prevention, information Support: Act when problems occur Services, support, recovery, inclusion, avoidance of discrimination 5 A resource for academic staff in Higher Education STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH
Diagnosis of Mental Illness The Mental Health Continuum Flourishing Mental Well-being Has a diagnosis of serious mental health problem but copes with life well and has positive mental health No diagnosable illness or disorder and positive mental health Diagnosis of Mental Illness No Mental Illness Has a diagnosis of a serious mental health problem and poor mental health No diagnosable illness or disorder but poor mental health Poor Mental Well-being 6 A resource for academic staff in Higher Education STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH
Mental Health Problems ‘Mental health problems range from the worries and grief we all experience as part of everyday life, to the most bleak, suicidal depression or complete loss of touch with everyday reality.’ Mental Health Foundation 7 A resource for academic staff in Higher Education STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH
Who Needs Support Students who have disclosed a pre-existing mental health problem Students who may experience distress or develop a problem during their course 8 A resource for academic staff in Higher Education STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH
Students Students with severe and enduring mental health problems Students with other mental health problems Students with no obvious problems but subject to risk factors 9 A resource for academic staff in Higher Education STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH
Key Facts 1 in 5 adults at any one time have a mental health problem 2 people per day die by suicide in Scotland High proportion of suicides are young men Young people are at higher risk of self harm Some problems first appear in young adults Higher education is stressful 10 A resource for academic staff in Higher Education STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH
Risk Factors to Students’ Mental Health Demands and Role Control Support Relationships Change Lifestyle Previous mental health problems 11 A resource for academic staff in Higher Education STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH
Confidentiality Know your professional duty Let student know limits of confidentiality Act with discretion Concerned parents Personal information must not be given out except in circumstances of significant risk of suicide or self harm, and then only if authorised by Head of School Get student’s consent if possible Refer to other services where appropriate 12 A resource for academic staff in Higher Education STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH
Be Aware of Your Role Be realistic about what you can do Is it appropriate to your role? Have you got the relevant expertise? Have you got the time? If not you then refer on Know what services are available Ask for help if unsure 13 A resource for academic staff in Higher Education STUDENT MENTAL HEALTH