The Chimpanzees I Love by Jane Goodall By T. Jasmine
Why is it important to study animals responsibly? Big Question Why is it important to study animals responsibly?
Author’s Purpose P.52-53 The author’s purpose is the main reason an author has for writing a selection. The author may wish to persuade, to entertain, to inform, or to express ideas. What the author says and the details he or she gives help you figure out the author’s purpose.
Vocabulary Words P. 54-55 Captive Existence Ordeal Primitive Stimulating Companionship Sanctuaries
Captive Kept in confinement
Existence Condition of being
Ordeal A severe test or experience
Primitive Very simple
Stimulating Lively, engaging.
Companionship Friendly feeling, among companions; fellowship
Sanctuaries Places of refuge or protection.
Explore What kinds of things have people learned as a result of studying animals? Why might people have a special interest in studying chimpanzees? What do you think “responsible research” means?
Expository Text Organized by topic and/or time and provides information about real people, objects, ideas, or events. Expository nonfiction text may include subheads, maps, diagrams, photos, and captions.
Guide Questions P. 436 P1- What do you think is the author’s purpose for writing this selection? P 2 & 3- Explain what the paragraphs are in two or three sentences. P.438 How does the author state that the chimps and humans are similar? How are they different? Pictures 438-439- Why do you think they are included in these pages?
Guide Questions P.440-441 How are infant chimps different from adult chimps? How can zoos help keep chimps and other exotic animals from being mistreated or abandoned by pet owners? What is the author’s purpose in writing about chimps in captivity? P.443 P.2- Write two or three sentences about what chimps need for a happy life in captivity? P. 444 Write the main idea for each paragraph Does the author want to persuade the reader to feel a certain way about chimpanzees? What is her purpose in doing so?
Guide Questions P.446-447 Why are some chimps heavier when they are in captivity? Has the author achieved her purpose of persuading you to care about chimps and maybe take some sort of action to help? In which countries do chimpanzees live? Reader’s Response Jane Goodall tells readers a great deal about chimpanzees. Which passages or details of her story did you find most interesting, and why?