Technical Report Writing Asim Banerjee
Agenda Introduction Technical Report Writing Preparation Structure of a Technical Report
What is a Technical Report? A Technical Report (aka Scientific Report) is a document that describes the process, progress, or results of technical or scientific research or the state of a technical or scientific research problem. NOTE: It might also include recommendations and conclusions of the research.
Why Write Technical Reports? Technical reports are often prepared for sponsors of research projects. Technical reports are today a major source of scientific and technical information. They are prepared for internal and wider distribution by many organisations. There are no absolute rules about the details of the report, because every report must be totally adapted to the needs of its audience (readers). Flexibility and adaptation may be useful, but only to make the report more accessible to the reader.
Objectives of the Report The objectives of a report identify exactly what information it covers, for whom it is written and why it should be produced. These objectives should be clear to the writer long before the process of writing starts. NOTE: It is helpful to put down in note form the precise details of the objectives and to check these details regularly until the last stages of report writing.
Preparation for TRW Before you begin writing your technical report The objectives of the report should have been clarified. The writer will know the appropriate level of technical language and the correct tone for the readership (audience). The style will be formal because reports are formal documents. The report begins to take shape, even if little or no formal writing has been produced. The format has been chosen. The material to be written in organised, the logical progression clarified and sections defined. The actual technical writing of the report can now begin.
Rules of Writing TR The reader is the most important person. Keep the report as short as possible. All references should be correct in all details. The writing should be accurate. The right diagram/figure with the right labels should be in the right place for the reader. Reports should be checked for technical, grammatical and spelling errors (typing errors). The report should look as good as it is.
Categorisation of Available Material As the material is collected/generated, it should be put into one of the three categories: Obviously important information which must go into the report because it is completely relevant to the objectives. Borderline information which might be useful to some readers, or which might add or substantiate other important material. Information which is interesting (or not) to the writer, but which is not relevant to the objectives of the report.
Format of Technical Report (TR) A TR typically has the following format: Title page Abstract or Summary Table of Content Introduction Sections/Chapters – containing the text body. Conclusions References Appendixes
Title Page The title page is the first page of the report and it should include: The title and author’s name. The report reference number and date (if available) The organisation’s name and logo (if desired) A statement of copyright, if needed. NOTE: For your Stage N reports, there are templates for the title page and it should include the thesis supervisor’s name.
Summary/Abstract The summary (aka executive summary) or Abstract provides a brief overview of the substance of the report. It is usually not more than half a page (definitely should be less than a page). It is NOT and introduction to the topic. It should outline all the key features of the report, including the topic, what was done and how it was done. NOTE: The summary gives the most important findings of the research or investigation.
Table of Content The contents page sets out the sections and subsections (or chapters) of the report and their corresponding page numbers. It should clearly show the structural relationship between the sections and subsections (chapters). A reader looking for specific information should be able to locate the appropriate section easily from the table of contents NOTE: The sections and subsections are numbered by using the decimal point number system.
Introduction The introduction provides the background information needed for the rest of your report to be understood. It is usually 3/4th of a page to maximum 2 page. It includes The background to the topic. A clear statement of the purpose of the report. A clear statement of the aims of the project.
Body of the Report This is the main part of the report, where the work done is presented. NOTE: Introduction and Conclusions act as the frame (often called head and Feet) for the body only and hence all the details of the work done must be included here. The presentation of information should flow logically so that the reader can follow the development of the project.
Conclusion The Conclusion section provides an effective ending to the report. It must give some overall insight into the value of the work done in general and inform the reader about the major impact of the project work done. NOTE: Often in the Stage N report, this will contain another section called future work, where the writer’s view of directions that can be taken for taking the work further would be presented.
References The Reference shows that information comes from another source and also gives the details of these sources. NOTE: Only material that was relevant to the work reported in the report should be included here. Complete details of the sources is essential. There are rules of how and what details of the sources are to be included.
Appendixes The Appendixes contain material that is too detailed to include in the main report (e.g. raw data or detailed drawings, questionnaires, etc.) Usually each Appendix must be given a number and title. NOTE: Usually capital alphabets are used for different appendixes (e.g. A, B, C,.. Or A1, A2, A3,…)
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