Agenda Apologies Welcome Minutes from last years AGM Finances Positions for 2013/2014 Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer Presentation including information about the Information Centre! Questions
Core strategy Inspectors findings Policy SS6c UNSOUND: The support for the expansion of the Blythe Business Park is not justified in the supporting text. The evidence indicates 70ha of employment land available in rural areas (over 56ha with planning permission) [doc MC(5)], and the location of the site is within a Special Landscape Area (Local Plan, Policy N8). There is no evidence before this Examination to indicate that account has been taken of the proximity and potential impact on the neighbouring settlement of Cresswell, or that the known toxicity of industrial waste has been acknowledged as part of the process of determining whether the principle of expansion is feasible or desirable.
Toxic Waste Danny McCrory (Environment Officer from SMDC) was invited to the Parish Council meeting where evidence was presented to him by VVSM regarding toxic waste in the area. Nothing has been done as far as we know by SMDC. It needs more people power. More people need to chase the issue up if areas are going to be cleaned up. If you have any issues regarding toxic waste on your land you need to contact Danny McCrory on:-01538 395797
Plans for expansion of Blythe Business Park Problems Flooding. We have our RPS report but it doesn’t cover this particular field. VVSM took pictures when snow fell.
Traffic on Sandon Road. Lorry takes wrong turn into Cresswell Old Lane. More traffic will also go on to Uttoxeter Road in Draycott which is already over stretched.
Formal Complaint to SMDC at Stage 3. Land near railway Cottages was refused planning permission for an industrial unit. An appeal was put in and this was refused. Another application was put in and planning permission submitted and passed despite concerns from residents, VVSM and the Parish Council. VVSM submitted a formal complaint to SMDC regarding this also regarding the procedure that had taken place. The land has since been put up for sale with outlying planning permission. We are waiting to hear from Simon Baker the Chief Executive of SMDC regarding the complaint.
Two silos and UNIT sign have no planning permission
Parish Council Notice Board in Cresswell. VVSM asked if it was possible to have a new Parish Council notice board last year as notices could not be read due to the condensation. The board eventually collapsed and was taken away. A temporary board is in its place at the moment. Luckily the renovation of the kiosk has been completed and a leaflet holder is being used for documents like the Parish Council meeting minutes.
Kiosk opening ceremony.
There was great support from residents and the Parish Council. We would like to thank Father David for officially opening the Cresswell Information Centre.
New sign. VVSM took photos of signs in surrounding hamlets and villages. These were sent to Mike Maryon. The matter was investigated and a sign installed.
Blythe Cricket club The Cricket Club would like to provide a new pavilion that can be used by the community. They are applying for lottery money. VVSM has supported them in their application. It was discussed that a play area could be provided and that the pavilion could be used for community events. We are waiting to see if they succeed in raising the funding.
Bus shelter VVSM asked the Parish Council about the state of the bus shelter. They said that it was owned by the County Council. They said that they had contacted them some time ago and that they said they did some work on it on May 9th. There is no evidence of this. We contacted Mark Deaville but have not received a reply yet.
Latest issue resolved by VVSM-walk up to the bus shelter Before After
Before After
Just some effort and a lot of…………. determination
Election Why was an election called? Who is standing? Shelagh Wood
Shelagh has been a member of VVSM for the past 4 years Shelagh has been a member of VVSM for the past 4 years. She supported the action to stop the Power Station. She is also a member of the community speed watch in Cresswell. VVSM were supported by the Parish Council to get a speed camera. The camera is for the Parish of Draycott . Roger Leach is the coordinator and he and Shelagh are more than willing to support volunteers from Draycott and Totmonslow to stop speeding traffic on Uttoxeter Road.
What would she like to see? 1. Improvement in the communication between the Parish Council and residents. This will include:- Easy access to the minutes from meetings. Holding a surgery once a month when residents can discuss their concerns. Keeping a check on proposed planning applications and put forward residents thoughts. 2. Work towards the protection of Special Landscape Areas, historical buildings and wildlife. 3. Support ideas for fund raising and voluntary work that will improve the Parish.
Future projects Speed watch group in Draycott Seat in Cresswell bus shelter and roof fixed.
The future for the area is looking much brighter The future for the area is looking much brighter. Support your community group, VVSM, for a better future.