Photo Album by V. Venkatesan
Solar lightings with CFL lamps around ISG building to save electrical energy
Solar lightings with CFL lamps around ISG building to save electrical energy
Solar lightings with CFL lamps around ISG building to save electrical energy
A view of Solar lighting Panels on the roof of ISG building Solar lightings with CFL lamps around ISG building to save electrical energy
Sump tank of capacity 60,000 liters
Rain water collecting drain Pipe
Pumping Unit
Rain water recharging pit
Pipe line to Rain water recharging pit
CFL lamps(110 No's) used in the new building to save electrical energy
CFL lamps(110 No's) used in the new building to save electrical energy
CFL lamps used in the entire building to save electrical energy
Glass bricks used for Roof Concreting to have a natural light during the day and resulted in saving of electricity
Top View Glass bricks used for Roof Concreting to have a natural light during the day and resulted in saving of electricity