InterpTech 2017
This is a fun and interactive training in 360 technology! 360 Photo/Video Shoot Out This is a fun and interactive training in 360 technology!
Agenda for today’s 360 training 1:15-1:45 = 360 technology presentation 1:45-2:15 = Head outdoors for photo/video shoot out! 2:15-2:30 = Review and transfer photos and videos 2:30-3:00 = Share your best shots with groups
What you’ll need for today’s activities… Tri-pod VR Headset 360 Camera
Bodie State Historic Park (traditional still shot photograph)
Power button Wireless button Capture mode button
This is what the APP looks like:
Not Connected Connected!
Time for the shoot out!
REVIEW AND TRANSFER YOUR BEST 360 PHOTOS/VIDEOS Turn on your 360 camera Make sure your phone is connected to the camera’s WiFi Open the Theta S app Click on “Camera Images” Select the photos/videos you want to transfer
Not transferred Transferred
TIME TO SHARE YOUR BEST 360 PHOTOS/VIDEOS To share images or videos in VR headset select the “VR view (twin lens)
Million $$$ Question Would you use 360 technology in your organization to enhance interpretive or educational elements?
PORTS Program Coordinator California State Parks 916-698-7312 cell Jennifer Langer PORTS Program Coordinator California State Parks 916-698-7312 cell