Origins of Islam Chapter 10 Section 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Origins of Islam Chapter 10 Section 1

Where it all began-Geography The Arabian Peninsula Modern Day Countries: Saudi Arabia Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar UAE Yemen

Where it all began -Geography Physical Features Desert Some parts reach 100 Degrees everyday in the summer Sand dunes stretch hundreds of miles Water exists in oases Wet fertile area in a desert

How People Lived Nomads Lived in tents Raised herds of goats, sheep, and camels Traveled around in search of food and water Tribes offered safety

How People Lived Towns People who settled in oases Farmed Became centers of trade Merchants

Beginnings of Islam (Vocab) Islam - Submit to God Muslims - People who practice Islam Qur’an - the holy book of Islam Mosque - Building for Muslim Prayer

Beginnings of Islam Muhammad - Founder of Islam He was born around 570 in Mecca He managed a caravan business for a wealthy woman, Khadijah Married Khadijah at age 25 In Mecca the tradition was for the wealthy to give to the poor, but this was not happening often

Beginnings of Islam Around age 40 Muhammad was praying and meditating when an angel spoke to him and said, “Recite in the name of your Lord who created, created man from clots of blood! Recite! Your Lord is the Most Bountiful One, who by the pen taught man what he did not know.” Muslims believe God made Muhammad a prophet

Beginnings of Islam Muhammad continued to receive messages from God for the rest of his life and these were recorded in the Qur’an

Spread of Islam Muhammad was forced out of Mecca and fled to Medina (the Hegira) in 622 This year is the 1st year of the Islamic calendar He became a spiritual and political leader in Medina Died in 632, but Islam continued to spread

Islamic Beliefs There is only one God, Allah, which means “the God” in Arabic Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all believe in the same God, just what they believe about God is different All people who believe in Allah are bound like a family and should take care of each other Urged slaveholders to be kinder

Muslim Empires Chapter 10 Section 2

Muhammad’s Death Muhammad died in 632 after a pilgrimage to Mecca Disagreement between Muslim groups Abu Bakr - Sunni Ali - Shiite

Abu Bakr Abu Bakr is named Caliph Successor to Muhammad Muhammad’s closest companion and adviser First convert to Islam Muhammad married Aisha, his daughter Led pilgrimage to Mecca in 631

Arab tribes united Many tribes were loyal to Muhammad, but not Islam Many did not like mandatory zakat Abu Bakr used military force to compel tribes to convert to Islam United Arab tribes under one leader and stopped fighting between tribes

Victory Under the first four Caliphs the united Arabs conquered large portions of the Byzantine Empire and the entire Persian Empire

Umayyad & Abbasid Caliphate Chapter 10

Umayyad Dynasty Ali was assassinated in 661 Mu’awiya took control and started the Umayyad Dynasty 5th Caliph

Mu’awiya Emphasized a more secular government Moved capital to Damascus Modeled government after Byzantine Named his son Yazid as his successor

Yazid Challenged and killed Hussein (Ali’s son) in Karbala Ruled for a short period of time

Abd ‘al-Malik Ruled 20 years Unified the empire Made Arabic the common language Constructed mosques Unified coinage Dome of the Rock constructed during his reign

Umayyad Expansion Abd ‘al-Malik’s heirs expanded the empire and ruled from the Iberian Peninsula to the Indus River

Abbasid Dynasty Defeated the Umayyad Dynasty in 750 Joined with other groups opposed to secular government to bring down the Umayyad Moved the capital to Baghdad Leaders were Arab, but influenced by Persians Contact with Chinese

Abbasid Dynasty – The Golden Age 9th and 10th Century Established Beyt al Hikma (House of Wisdom) Al Khwarizmi developed the number system we use today Father of algebra Translated Greek, Persian, and Hindu texts and became a center of knowledge

Abbasid Dynasty – The Golden Age Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Canon of Medicine 1025 The first medical encyclopedia A Thousand and One Nights 12th Century

Decline Mongol invasion in 1258 Burned Baghdad and destroyed the palaces and the centers of learning and research