Number of cars in household and travel to school No car One car Two cars Three or more cars TOTAL Walk 1 293 4 766 3 896 1 045 11 000 Bus 891 4 026 4 820 1 425 11 162 Car 230 2 556 4 176 1 363 8 325 Cycle 75 342 305 86 808 Train/tube/ tram/metro 50 365 437 149 1 001 Other 30 120 175 116 441 2 735 12 302 13 918 4 213 33 168
Children in the UK appear to be upwardly mobile Children in the UK appear to be upwardly mobile. 72% of Phase Two respondents have their own mobile phone. 88% have access to a computer at home. This compares with 41% with a mobile phone and 82% having access to a computer in the original CensusAtSchool (Autumn 2000). Over 80% had breakfast on the day they filled in the questionnaire leaving a worrying 20% who were attending school without.
CensusAtSchool - an International Children's Census Background UK pupils answered a short anonymous questionnaire in Autumn 2000. Answers were transferred to a summary sheet and sent electronically to us for automatic entry to a national database. The data give a snapshot of the school population, just like the national census held on 29th April 2001.
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