Welcome back إعداد : أمينة مصادر التعلم :سميرة مدني المملكة العربية السعودية وزارة التعليم إدارة التعليم بمحافظة ينبع الابتدائية الثامنة بينبع البحر Welcome back إعداد : أمينة مصادر التعلم :سميرة مدني تنفيذ المعلمة نوال الشمري
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Where are you come from? I am come from…..
What's your nationality? I'm …..
Read and match. 1-Saudi Arabia a- Emirati 2-Britain b- American 3- Kuwait c- British 4-America d- Saudi Arabian 5-Oman e- Omani 6- Emirates f- Kuwaiti
a b Listen and number. Read and say. You can go shopping in Bahraini markets You can see big boats in Omani ports
c d Listen and number. Read and say. You can see beautiful Kuwaiti mosques You can visit interesting Qatari museums
e f Listen and number. Read and say. You can take photos of American mountains You can camp on British beaches
Good morning Ali! How are you? Listen and number. Read and say. Good morning Ali! How are you? Hi Tom. I’m fine thanks.
Read and write. 1-Helen is from . She is. Britain British 2- Sarah . is from Saudi Arabia. she . is Saudi Arabian. 3- Reem is. is from Jordan. She Jordanian. 4- is Alia from America. She is American
Grammar Focus Verb: be. am am I'm Ali. I From Saudi Arabia. I Saudi Arabian. Helen from Britain. She British. IS IS Helen and Tom from Britain. They British. are are
Phonics Look, listen and say ee/er a/ar
Listen and circle the sound. Phonics Listen and circle the sound. 1-Emirati 2- cheese 3- father 4- teacher