Open Access infrastructure and Open Data Gemma Hersh Policy Director Elsevier
Introduction: Elsevier, open access and the UK
Open Access is progressing well in the UK 18% of UK articles in 2014 were published via the gold route. This includes articles published in journals operating under the gold APC, gold no APC and hybrid models. CAGR of UK gold OA articles between 2012-2014 was 24%, relative to a global CAGR of 17% over the same period. 19% of articles in the UK are posted either as preprints, accepted author manuscripts or final published articles. 94% of institutions exceeded the 45% open access target set by RCUK for the first year of implementation. 75% of journals UK authors publish in offer an OA option. Publishers have also reduced their embargo periods in support of UK government policy. 96% of journals have an embargo period of 24 months or less, and 64% of journals have an embargo period of 12 months or less. Publisher representation in UUK OA Monitoring Group and PA engagement with JISC and others to discuss shared challenges. Sources: UUK OA Monitoring Report, RCUK Independent Review
Elsevier and open access Actively engage Support both gold and green OA Test and learn Developing systems and technology to implement OA Working with funders, institutions and authors Offer choice Respect the academic freedom of authors Offer various ways for authors to comply with funder and institutional policies Maintain focus on quality 450+ Open access journals 1600+ Hybrid journals All journals Offer green OA options Gold open access Green open access Launching new open access journals and all established journal offer an OA option Choice of either a commercial (CC BY) or non-commercial (CC-BY-NC-ND) user license. Article publishing charges (APCs) range from $500- $5000 (US Dollars) All journals offer authors an option to self archive Share link service provides 50 days free access to recently published research Pilot partner in the CHORUS initiative Open archives in 103 journals, including all Cell Press titles after 12 months.
Mean APCs increases in line with FWCI for journals, 2014 Industry Figures Source: UUK OA Monitoring Report
APC pricing CONFIDENTIAL Open access journals APC pricing Average APC by journals is £748; for Elsevier it is slightly higher at £944 Elsevier’s prices range from £300- £3000 which increases the average APC. Hybrid journal APC pricing Average APC by journal is £1,602; for Elsevier it is slightly lower at £1,495. Elsevier has broader distribution of prices which are tailored to specific communities. The field weighted citation impact of Elsevier journals is over 1.55, which is the highest in the world of hybrid OA publishing. The field weighted citation impact of Elsevier journals is around 1.08, against an average Gold OA baseline of 0.90
Elsevier maintains its quality across its broad hybrid/gold journal portfolio, while keeping APCs close to the market average world baseline A B D C Solid bubbles represent Hybrid journal portfolios Pattern bubbles represent 100% Gold journal portfolios Bubble size represent number of titles
Elsevier’s sharing guidelines Researchers can share at each stage of the publication process:
OA infrastructure: Institutional Repository services Cost effective Maximizing research impact for articles Delivering the best available Displaying the article in context Assuring the reliability and trustworthiness of content
API services: Metadata feed Identify and retrieve metadata and abstracts from authors affiliated with your institution, which will soon include embargo dates via SD Search API How the API services support this Automated periodic searches and downloads of structured metadata (including abstracts & DOI’s) for articles your authors published with Elsevier. Responses of the ScienceDirect search API include the embargo end date, the date by which an AM may be made publically available. Benefits for the Institution Accurate reporting: can reports on all articles published by affiliated authors & display article information & abstract. Compliance: can ensure compliance with Elsevier policy for Green OA minimal hassle We hope to soon make basic metadata available on acceptance, including article title, DOI. This is a massive systems change which we hope to be operational by 2017.
API Services: Sharing entitlements Ensuring users access the best available version of the article via the ScienceDirect Article Entitlement API Benefits for the Institution Increase repository user satisfaction by ensuring users access the best available version (if possible the version of record). Support libraries to maximize the value of journal subscriptions to their patrons. Ensure readership statistics are captured and made available to authors*. How the API services support this Check if the user has access to the article on ScienceDirect based on their IP. Use the outcome to determine which links to show to the user: to the ScienceDirect article, and/or to a locally hosted Accepted Manuscript (green OA version). * Elsevier also participates in an industry initiative that is investigating an infrastructure for the exchange of usage data from sharing platforms to publishers that can be easily adopted by institutional repositories
API Services: Embed functionality Embed PDF’s of final articles on your repository via ScienceDirect Article Retrieval API (optional) Benefits for the Institution Keep users on your repository website and increase the amount of content they will discover on your repository. Immediately show the best available version; the final Published Journal Article to all entitled users, and the first page preview for everyone, even when there is no version available in the IR itself. This includes articles in press - where available. How the API services support this Provide links to our Article Retrieval API, that will render the final Published Journal Article as if it was available on your repository. Any user that is entitled based on IP address (not only those affiliated with the IR’s University) can view the final Published Journal Article on your repository. Non-entitled users will see a first page preview.
Publishers and open data
Research Data Policy Elsevier will: Encourage and support researchers and research institutions to share data where appropriate and at the earliest opportunity. Provide guidance to authors regarding the deposit and sharing of data. Encourage and enable two-way linking of relevant datasets and publications using permanent standard identifiers. Encourage and support proper data citation practices so that researchers can be cited and credited for their work. Work closely with the scientific community to establish data review practices to ensure that published research data is valid, properly documented and can be re-used. Develop tools and services to support researchers to discover, use and reuse data to further their research. Publishers as enablers “Raw research data should be made freely available to all researchers wherever possible” – STM Brussels Declaration 2007
Open data refers to making research data freely available for others to reuse. It is a necessary (but not sufficient) requirement for highly effective data
Open Data Pilot This supplementary data set is publicly available as Open Data (CC BY) on ScienceDirect Article:
See Data-linking program Elsevier has an extensive program with 60+ leading domain-specific data repositories to interlink articles and data Makes it easier to find relevant data and place data into the right context Linking through in-article accession numbers, data DOI’s, or data banners Linking through in-article data accession numbers Database banners shown next to the article on ScienceDirect See
Research Data Working Groups and Industry Standards Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles: best-practices to cite data in articles for better linking and credit Research Data Alliance & ICSU World Data System: Tackling a broad range of interconnected issues around Data Publication (workflows, bibliometrics, cost recovery, services)
Thank you!
APPENDIX PatientInform: We provide patients with low-cost access to medical research published in 100 healthcare journals along with patient-friendly summaries produced by the world’s most trusted health organizations. Patient Access: Patients or their caregivers can register and receive research papers via email for a small handling fee.
Total article growth by journal business model In 2014 there were 2.1 million subscription and 418,000 open access articles published worldwide. Subscription content Continues to grow year on year at 1-4% 83% share of total articles in 2014 Open access content Growing at 12-24% per year Fully-paid-for open access articles is 12% share of total content in 2014 All open access, including subsidized articles, is 17% share of total content. Over 2 million articles are published each year and we see that the total amount of published content continues to grow year on year. For gold open access we see this is increasing fast with double digit grow, although from a low base representing a combined article share of 9% in 2009. This growth in open access is coming from both pure gold open access journals – seen in light blue -and hybrid journals- seen in the middle. We see OA publishing becoming more popular in hybrid journals Subscription publishing also continues to grow at 1-4% and still represents the majority article share with approx..83% of all articles being publishing under this model. So, including journals that subsidize the APC, for example when a research organization or society pay the APC on behalf of the author- then we can see that 17% of all articles published in 2014 were immediately accessible to everyone. Of course this graph doesn’t show the articles which were made open access via the green route either through delayed access or self-archiving. For Elsevier we published almost 400,000 articles which includes 6,000 open access articles in either fully open access journals or hybrid journals. Elsevier perspective In 2014, Elsevier published almost 400,000 articles Includes 6,000 open access articles in gold only journals Source: Elsevier internal Open Access market tracking