LAV front-end and readout status Francesco Gonnella Photon Veto Meeting NA62 Collaboration Meeting Ferrara 1-5 September 2014
Lav 1 Crate, Low noise PS ~Cabling Raspberry Pi HV is online 5 modified boards Old TEL62 (never worked) Mechanics Dongle, CAN interconnection, and terminator Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Lav 2 Crate, Low noise PS Cabling Raspberry Pi HV is online 5 modified boards Old TEL62 (but working) Mechanics Dongle, CAN interconnection, and terminator Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Lav 3 Crate, Low noise PS Cabling Raspberry Pi HV is online 5 modified boards New TEL62 3 TDCBs Mechanics Dongle, CAN interconnection, and terminator Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Lav 4 Crate, Low noise PS Cabling Raspberry Pi HV is online 5 modified boards New TEL62 3 TDCBs Mechanics Dongle, CAN interconnection, and terminator Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Lav 5 Crate, Low noise PS Cabling Raspberry Pi HV is online 5 modified boards New TEL62 3 TDCBs Mechanics Dongle, CAN interconnection, and terminator Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Lav 6 Crate, Low noise PS Cabling Raspberry Pi HV is online 8 modified boards New TEL62 4 TDCBs Mechanics Dongle, CAN interconnection, and terminator Platform Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Lav 7 Crate, Low noise PS Cabling Raspberry Pi HV is online 8 modified boards New TEL62 4 TDCBs Mechanics Dongle, CAN interconnection, and terminator Platform Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Lav 8 Crate, Low noise PS ~Cabling HV is online 8 modified boards No tel62 Mechanics Dongle, CAN interconnection, and terminator Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Lav 9 Crate, Low noise PS ~Cabling HV is online 8 modified boards No tel62 Mechanics Dongle, CAN interconnection, and terminator No platform!! Crate moved up Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Lav 10 Crate Low noise PS ~Cabling HV is online 8 modified boards No tel62 Mechanics Dongle, CAN interconnection, and terminator No platform!! Crate moved up Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Lav 11 Crate, Low noise PS Problem with crate! ~Cabling HV is not online 8 modified boards No tel62 Mechanics Dongle, CAN interconnection, and terminator Platform Crate moved up Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Lav 12 is in place! “15 tonnes slotted into a crevasse with centimeters to spare and set down on target to within 2mm in one fell swoop without breaking a sweat. Man that guy is good!” M. D. Moulson Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
LAV12 Crate (on top of the rack), Low noise PS No Cabling HV is not online 8 modified boards No tel62 Mechanics Dongle, CAN interconnection, and terminator Detector Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
TDCB cabling is painful In all the crates with a new tel62 board (A3, A4, A5, A6, A7) we have connected TDCBs and LAVFEE boards. This is NOT an easy task, as there are plenty of noisy and dead channels. The situation is not stable as, apparently, problems might be solved (in lucky cases) just by “massaging” the cables… We managed to get rid of noisy channels in LAV3, 4, 5 According to me, this will be a constant problem during the run, and we will be forced to mask noisy channels, that will fill up the buffers and prevent the DAQ to work properly. LAV station Noisy channels Dead channels Anti-A3 1 Anti-A4 Anti-A5 Anti-A6 ? Anti-A7 3 Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Status on 1st of August We have 28 installed boards. L052 and L079 boards have some minor problems L087 is a “half board” to be used in LAV6-8 Raspberry Pis now have a remote NFS drive on pcna62lnf1 TEL62s and TDCBs should be coming at CERN in next few days A10 PS is at Electronics Pool to get some minor repairing. Missing Raspberry PI are scheduled to arrive on week 34 Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Status on 1st September All crates and PS are in place Cabling is done in 11/12 stations All 81 LAVFEE boards have been tested, calibrated and are now in place (Thanks to Matt, Silvia, and Venelin) LAVFEE firmware is updated in all but A7 and A12 We have only 2 working spares We have 12 raspberry Pis (A9, A10, A11, and A12 are B+) Some issues with A11 crate/power supply (under voltage on 48 V) TDCB cable issue: noisy and dead channels Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Plan for next weeks As soon as new TEL62s arrive: installation cabling: and dead/noisy channel hunting How many dead channels can we really afford? Upgrade the fw in all LAVFEE and prepare DCS calibration files with Rasberry Pis Cosmic data taking using as many stations as possible should be done and analysed before the run Need to do Ethernet Cabling: 5 ~4m-cables per station Setup and test self-trigger or use Torino L0TP Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 September 2014
Thank you for your attention Francesco Gonnella 3 September 2014 Francesco Gonnella - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Summary Crate PS HV Rasp TEL62 Cabling Platform FEE DCS 1 yes old redo - 5 ready 2 3 4 6 8 7 no 9 10 11 problem offline 12 3 September 2014