Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys A428 Busway Corridor – Option 3 & 3A St Neots Road, Hardwick 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
High Level Timetable Step 1 Early 2014 Identify feasible options Stage Month Year Milestone Step 1 Early 2014 Identify feasible options Step 2 June 2015 City Deal Board chose 6 options to consult on October - November Public consultation on options March 2016 Local Liaison Forum created September Report and papers to be published on the options: October A428/A1303 Report to Board Step 3 November - July 2017 Refinement of Recommended Option Public consultation on option May 2018 Completion of full outline business case for option Report to Executive Board on a full outline business case for option Step 4 December 2020 Substantially complete statutory approvals April 2021 Report to Executive Board on final scheme authority to construct Step 5 Summer 2024 Substantially complete construction This is a summary of the Shortlisted options in these areas
Concepts consulted on 2015 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Catchment Area 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Madingley Mulch to Northampton St Northampton St to Madingley Mulch Comparator Journey Direction Existing Services Option 1 Option 3/3a Journey Times Madingley Mulch to Northampton St INBOUND AM peak = 20 mins AM peak = 14 mins AM peak = 7.5 mins Off peak = 17 mins Off peak = 13 mins Off peak = 7 mins PM peak = 20 mins PM peak = 12.5 mins PM peak =7.5 mins Northampton St to Madingley Mulch OUTBOUND AM peak = 11 mins Off peak = 9 mins PM peak = 10 mins PM peak = 7.5 mins Data source: VIX data for Citi 4 service VIX data for Newmarket P&R service Based on VIX data for Citi 4 and CGB Reliability Inbound - AM Peak – 64%; IP = 80%; PM peak = 65% Inbound - AM Peak – 80%; IP = 71%; PM peak = 79% (Taken from VIX data for Newmarket Rd Park and Ride) Aims to achieve 99% reliability Outbound – AM peak = 90%; IP = 84%; PM peak = 89% Outbound - AM Peak – 73%; IP = 68%; PM peak = 72% (Taken from VIX data for Newmarket Rd Park and Ride) Cycling Inbound and Outbound Cycling as existing provision – on road along Madingley or offline through Coton and Cambridge West Offline Coton route would remain and footways would reduce along Madingley Road, Cyclists would have to use bus lanes on Madingley Road where no shared cycleway exists – this would affect Bus journey times and reliability A cycleway will be provided adjacent to the busway providing traffic free routes into Cambridge West and to Grange Road. Costs n/a Tranche 1 costs = £32.6million including P&R site (Out-turn costs and capital investment) Tranche 1 costs = £72.34million including P&R site. (Out-turn costs and capital investment) 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Potential Route Alignments 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Option 3 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Option 3A – Potential Arrangements Proposed Busway constructed adjacent to St Neots Road. Footway/Cycleway constructed north of the Busway. Footway/cycleway constructed adjacent to St Neots Road with soft verge separation. Busway constructed north of the footway/cycleway. 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Option 3A – Potential Arrangements Busway constructed adjacent to St Neots Road. Footway/cycleway constructed south of St Neots Road Busway constructed north of St Neots Road with trees/vegetation separation. Footway/cycleway constructed south of St Neots Road 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Possible traffic calming measures Improved gateway features on the approach to Hardwick. Highlighting speed limit and entry into a village environment to encourage reduced speed. Landscaping to reduce the openness of the route and visually reduce the width of the corridor. Provision of traffic islands within centre of the carriageway to encourage reduced speed, with speed limit repeater markings. Provision of central hatch and edge line road markings along the carriageway to visually reduce the carriageway width. 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Option 3A – Arrangement 3A Development Proposed Busway positioned away from St Neots Road, retaining the existing treeline north of St Neots Road. Proposed footway/cycleway constructed adjacent to St Neots Road to the south. 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Option 3A – Arrangement 3A Development Proposed Busway positioned away from St Neots Road separated by trees/vegetated area. Segregation islands provided in centre of St Neots Road Proposed footway/cycleway adjacent to St Neots Road. 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Option 3A – Arrangement 3A Development Proposed Busway positioned adjacent St Neots Road. Fencing provided to separate the busway from St Neots Road where required. Proposed footway/cycleway adjacent to St Neots Road. 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Option 3A – Arrangement 3A Development Proposed Busway positioned away from St Neots Road, retaining existing treeline north of St Neots Road. Areas of additional planted verge provided south of St Neots Road. 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Environmental Concerns Pollution – All buses at least Euro 6 emissions standard Noise – All existing noise attenuation to be retained Traffic calming reduce the attractiveness of through route from proposed Bourn development Busway stops and junctions are to be lit (in addition to park & ride sites) 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Busway Design measures or other relevant mitigation measures can be taken to reduce or avoid effects. In some instances environmental enhancements may result e.g. the creation of new or better landscape and ecological habitats. The overall approach to the design measures will be defined by local and national policy and guidance. 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys
Frequency – 6-9 buses per hour Services Frequency – 6-9 buses per hour Stops – In all options Hardwick has a stop on the busway Journey Times – Hardwick to City Centre in 13 minutes 07/03/2017 Cambourne to Cambridge Better Bus Journeys