Cardiovascular System: Blood vessels Dr. A
Blood Vessels – Overall function Allow blood to distribute its contents (O2, glucose, hormones) and remove wastes (urea, CO2, metabolites) Acts as radiators that expand to release heat into the environment (hyperthermia) or constrict to retain heat (hypothermia)
Arteries and Veins Arteries – carry blood away from the heart (systolic AND diastolic pressure) Veins – carry blood towards the heart (diastolic pressure only) Capillaries – very thin (~ 1 erythrocyte in diameter) to allow for diffusion of materials into and out of blood
Blood Vessel Structure – 3 layers Tunica intima Tunica media Lumen (blood-containing space) Tunica externa
Blood Vessels – 3 Layers Tunica intima – innermost layer, directly in contact with flowing blood – consists of endothelial cells (continuous with endocardium) Tunica media – Mid-layer, made of smooth muscle and elastin, controls vessel diameter and thus blood pressure Tunica externa – outermost layer, made of connective tissue (collagen) but innervated and connected to lymph vessels Vasa Vasorum – small network of capillaries that nourish the tissues in the outermost parts of larger blood vessels
Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation Vasoconstriction – sympathetic nervous system and/or chemical stimulation flexes the muscle in the tunica media causing vessels to constrict Retains heat Increases blood pressure Vasodilation – same stimulation causes vessels to dilate Decreases blood pressure Allows heat loss through skin
Arteries Elastic (conducting) arteries – thick-walled arteries near the heart (aorta and major branches) High elastin content, but no role in vasoconstriction “Springiness” assists in blood flow Muscular Arteries – distal to elastic arteries, conduct blood to body organs, thickest tunica media Arterioles – smallest arteries, directly connected to capillaries
Capillaries Consist only of tunica intima Penetrate all tissues Why? Notable exceptions Ligaments and tendons Cartilage and epithelia ?
Capillary Beds Interweaving network of capillaries that supplies tissue with blood (microcirculation) Capillary bed is fed blood by the terminal arteriole and blood is collected by the postcapillary venule 2 types of vessels A continuous channel, formed by the meta-arteriole and thoroughfare channel True capillaries (exchange vessels)
Capillary Bed
Capillary Flow Control Sphincter muscles (precapillary sphincter) regulates flow of blood into each true capillary Sphincters flexed = blood goes through the shunt and flow to tissues greatly reduced Sphincters relaxed = blood flows to tissues This is highly dependent on local chemistry, pressure, and sympathetic nerve input Try it!
Venous System (Veins) Delivers blood to the heart Venules – smallest diameter veins Very porous and allow the passage of fluids and WBC’s into interstitial fluid (extracellular fluid) Veins – compared to arteries, relatively large lumens and thin walls Tunica externa is heaviest, with large amounts of collagen
Venous Flow Blood pressure is much lower in veins than in arteries Up to 65% of blood volume resides in veins Pressure to return blood back to heart must be maintained, even though elasticity is less in veins How?
Venous valves Resemble semilunar valves of the heart Snap shut to prevent the backwards flow of blood Prolonged increase in venous pressure results in veins with stretched walls and incompetent valves (varicose veins)
Physiology of Circulation Definitions: Blood Flow – volume of blood circulating in an organ over the course of 1 minute (ml/min) Blood Pressure – Force created by the heart (ventricles) and vessels to push blood through the body (mm Hg), blood flows from high pressure to low pressure Resistance – opposition to flow direction, caused by several factors
Factors Influencing Resistance Blood viscosity - Blood vessel length - Blood vessel diameter – How can these vary?
Blood Flow vs. resistance F = ΔP/R F = flow ΔP = change in pressure between two points in circulation R = resistance Blood flow is inversely proportional to the resistance in the system Resistance varies inversely with the fourth power of the vessel radius Resistance = 1/r4
Arterial Blood Pressure Result of two factors 1. How much elastic arteries close to the heart can be stretched (distensibility) 2. The volume of blood forced into them at any time From where?
Arterial Pressure Systolic Pressure – “pressure peak” resulting from the contraction of the left ventricle “High” number in blood pressure Diastolic Pressure – Lowest pressure from aortic valve closing and the elastic arteries (aorta) contracting “Low” number in blood pressure Pulse Pressure – the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure
Mean Arterial Pressure Diastole lasts longer than systole, so the equation is MAP = diastolic pressure + (pulse pressure/3)
Capillary Blood Pressure Blood pressure decreases with distance from the heart Very low pressure in capillaries and capillary beds (15-35 mm Hg) Prevents capillary rupture Prevents fluids from being forced out of capillaries too fast
Venous Blood Pressure Very steady, no pulsing Only ~15 mm of pressure from the capillaries to the vena cavae This reflects the resistance of blood traveling through capillaries due to friction Venous blood return benefits from help by other body functions
Pressure vs. Distance from Heart
Return of Venous Blood to the Heart Respiratory Pump – Inhalation increases pressure in the thoracic cavity, squeezing blood in veins toward the heart Muscular Pump – Contracting muscles “squeeze” blood through the veins and to the heart
Maintaining Blood Pressure What factors can affect blood pressure? Blood volume Peripheral resistance Cardiac output Normal CO is 5 – 5.5L/min – this must be maintained in all situations, so heart and blood vessels will adapt to this (homeostasis)
Neural Control of Blood Pressure MAP is maintained by Neural control of blood vessel diameter Altering blood distribution to various organs based on need E.g. blood moving from digestive system to skeletal muscles during exercise Vasomotor Center Baroreceptor Chemoreceptor
Vasomotor Center Oversees blood vessel diameter Located in the medulla of the brain Nerves innervate smooth muscles of blood vessels
Baroreceptor Reflexes Receptors located in carotid arteries (in neck) Aortic arch Other arteries in neck and thorax When nerves are stretched, vasomotor center is inhibited, and smooth muscle in blood vessels relax to decrease blood pressure, CO is reduced When blood pressure drops, (unstretched baroreceptors), muscle in blood vessels contracts and CO increased
Chemoreceptor-Based Reflexes Increases in CO2 or drop in pH results (via cardioacceleratory center in brain stem) in an increase in CO and in vasoconstriction Chemoreceptors located in carotids and aortic arch Chemoreceptors also increase respiratory rate
Higher Brain Center Influence on Blood Pressure Regulated by hypothalamus, hormone release and medullar (and midbrain) control E.g. fight or flight response
Hormonal Control of Blood Pressure Adrenal medulla hormones (epinephrine & norepinephrine) Norepinephrine is a vasoconstrictor Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH) Conserves water, vasoconstrictor
Long term Mechanisms Renal Control Direct Renal Mechanism – High blood pressure leads to a physical increase in the removal of fluid from the blood, ultimately decreasing blood pressure Indirect Renal Mechanism – Under low blood pressure conditions, kidneys release renin which produces angiotensin II Vasoconstrictor Stimulates the release of aldosterone and ADH Make you feel thirsty!
Hypotension Decrease in Blood Pressure Poor nutrition Age Hemorrhage Shock (acute hypotension)
Tissue Perfusion Blood flow through body tissues To deliver O2 and remove CO2 to tissues Blood flow to organs is adaptable to changing situations Exercise Rest Mental condition
Blood Flow Velocity Velocity is inversely related to cross sectional area of the vessel Fastest in largest arteries, slows in capillaries, speeds up again in veins back to heart (Vena cavae) Right?
Differential Blood Flow Speeds Major Arteries (Aorta) = 40-50 cm/s Capillaries = 0.3 cm/s Why is it good to be slow? Vena cavae = ~30 cm/s
Autoregulation of Local Blood Flow How might blood flow be differentially regulated to a particular area of the body? Organs/ tissues control the diameter of blood vessels feeding their own capillary beds This is called intrinsic regulation
Intrinsic Control of Blood Vessels - Metabolic Control Nitric Oxide Production – Released from vascular endothelial cells potent vasodilator, antagonist to nervous vasoconstriction, relaxes precapillary sphincters Application? Histamines also cause vasodilation Where are these from?
Angiogenesis Long term tissue starvation may lead to the development of long-term regulatory responses More blood vessels to an organ Blood vessels may increase in diameter Very adaptable! Examples?
Blood Flow Regulation in Special Areas Skeletal muscle Constantly changing in metabolic requirements Resting muscle vs. actively flexing muscles Active or exercise hyperemia supports working muscles Controlled by reduced O2 levels and increased CO2 levels and other metabolic factors During exercise, local controls override sympathetic vasoconstriction
Blood Flow Regulation in Special Areas The Brain gets roughly 750ml/minute Blood flow increases in more active areas of the brain MAP decrease results in brain vessel dilation while MAP increase results in vasoconstriction Brain swelling Fainting
Blood Flow Regulation in Special Areas The Skin In addition to supplying nutrients, blood flow to the skin also regulates body temp Increases in body temp are sensed by hypothalamus and result in vasodilation, sweating Decreases in body temp (or outside environment) cause vasoconstriction Blood can get trapped in the skin when capillary sphincters shut, causing “rosy cheeks”
Blood Flow Regulation The lungs Less pressure needed as vessel walls are thin and it is a “short trip” Vasoconstriction and vasodilation according to O2 is opposite other areas of the body Low O2 = vasoconstriction High O2 = vasodilation
Blood Flow Regulation in Special Areas The Heart Increases in heart activity (exercise, stress, etc.) increase the flow of blood to the myocardium by dilating coronary blood vessels The net increase in blood flow increases the delivery of O2 to the heart