RF-SRF Infrastructure: Operation,Maintenance&Upgrades


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Presentation transcript:

RF-SRF Infrastructure: Operation,Maintenance&Upgrades

Recent History of RF-SRF and Mandate New SRF section 10.2012: cryolab activity – recovered collimator lab and refurbished to warm reception + tuning lab. Restructuring 03.2013: bldg. 252 rinsing/coating lab plus SM18 operation to SRF section, including cleanroom&testing staff + P. Maesen, no RF technician. Done CRISP upgrades for High Gradient programme. LHC Pt4? HIE-ISOLDE cryomodules: dedicated Clean-Processing, Assembly- and Testing Infrastructure. Implemented between 07.2013 and now in SM18 RF space. SMA18 parts preparation under TE-MSC Oct. 2015: In-sourcing of Crab cavity: production, processing, testing and assembling in different configurations. So far no plan for dedicated infrastructure, just some upgrading plus additional tooling. Cryostating facility to be implemented in existing SRF space in SM18. 06.2016 - ?: SM18 side extension - additional 625 m2 for assembly/storage/shielding reinforcement. 11.2016 - ?: bldg. 252 refurbishment: safety issues –heavy component handling plus obsolete clean processing facilities.


B.252 Cable channels in the underground: floor deforming under load Crane exchange scheduled but Asbestos in the roof structure Heating/Ventilation obsolete; lighting outdated; new rinsing/coating preparation clean booth needed; integration with assembly cleanroom desirable Space issue for parts storage and coating activities – parallel projects suffer from bottlenecks Right now: bring services for coating stands to safety standards plus AC - ! HSE ! Next urgent: concrete injection into cable channels – floor stabilisation!

SRF Space in SM18

LHC Pt4 upgrade

How to operate and maintain CP- Facilities Cleanroom Technician for RF: rare species!!! Needs long training on the job plus specific behavioural skills. Difficult hiring ! We have 3 CR-Technicians– all 3 are complementary and account for many yrs. relevant professional experience – obviously we should keep them, isn’t it??? Project Engineers to follow-up their activities in all phases, but the clean work proper to be done by the skilled technicians. Procedures mandatory! CP infrastructure needs regular maintenance/conditioning – the heavier it is used the more maintenance is required. There are running costs for this kind of facilities and manpower needs even if there is no project SRF assembly/test activity.

How to operate and maintain CP- Facilities We provide experts advice all over CERN and we organize specific training courses for large component cleanroom activities and RF related topics – for the RF group but also for other groups at CERN (HIE-ISOLDE cryomodule, Crab project). We are setting-up teams for on-the –job training of new section members whilst coping with the very high workload of the projects and the core tasks. More details: see dedicate talks on SRF coating, testing, assemblies etc. Training new people to our needs is additional workload on the CP core team – efficient only if there is not too much rotation of personnel. People receiving the training are requested to apply the instructions as received – there is no room for applying different philosphies inside the common CP space. Wrong procedures put all activities at risk!!

How to upgrade CP- Facilities Needs a team including the project engineer(s), CR technicians and the section management to bundle a “project” – consultants if required. Needs funding plus purchase expertise to kick it off. Needs “down-time” of facilities – difficult topic these days! Most important: Needs vision on future mandate and SRF projects to be considered for the upgrade. Difficult task if these change frequently!! CRISP framework has helped in setting targets for multi-million CHF spending in a low-activity period. Unfortunately the focus has been on SPL 704 MHz that today seems to be the least relevant objects – even if synergy with other programmes obviously exists.

2 K Cryo-Upgrade in SM18 Bldg. RF Test facility area V3 V4 V5 V6 New helium transfer line Vertical test stands V3 to V6 for cavities M7 M9 Horizontal test stands M7 and M9 for cryomodules He supply from 25 m3 liquid tank

Cavity and module test area – Cryo-upgrade Service module in horizontal bunker Helium tank Cavity RF Test Area

New cavity reception area

Clean room and cavity preparation upgrade Existing clean room upgrade and extension New clean room facility Clean room layout High-pressure rinsing Ultra-pure water station J. Chambrillon

SM18 side extension

Extension Main entrance 70m 9m SM18_Plan view

Extension building

Summary Defining SRF infrastructure needs is strongly linked with the strategic management decision about the future of CERN. Results can not be obtained easily without a distinct project definition and preparation phase. The responsibility for the operation of the infrastructure stays with the experienced SRF staff. They will make sure that the needs of different programmes are respected. Personal on temporary basis can be tolerated only to a certain extent. Loosing expertise in that field is difficult to compensate. Todays infrastructure is not adequate for CRAB series production – needs to be assessed after the SPS module experience according to the project needs. Additional space is required a.s.a.p