The Milky Way By Christian.V
Sun or our Star The suns temperature is 9,940 degrees Fahrenheit and its Radius Is 432,474 miles . The Sun name comes from a Latin term “sol” from the ancient Romans Did you know that one million Earth can fit in our sun and our sun is a star and it’s a Medium star compared to others.
Mercury Mercury is the first planet in out solar system it’s named after the Roman Messenger god Because on how quickly it orbits the sun. Mercury if you walked on Mercury the sun would be 2 ½ times bigger than it looks on earth. Mercury is also the closest planet to the sun but doesn’t make it the hottest .
Venus Venus is named after the roman god of love and beauty. Venus is the hottest planet because it’s Atmosphere traps heat so that’s why Mercury isn't the hottest. Venus air mostly carbon dioxide so we can not live there because it the air is poisonous to us but if it weren’t so hot plants could life there .
Earth Earth is name is a English/German name which means ground Earth is the only planet that can support life and water Earth is in the perfect stop if it were closer to the sun the water would all evaporate and if it were farther the water would freeze Earth Atmosphere is 21% Oxygen and it 93 million miles away form the Sun .
Mars (the red planet) Mars has two Moons and it’s about hafe the size of earth and it’s the moons name are called Phobos and Deimos Mars has canyons that may have once been rivers and mars may at one point in time have life Mars is named after the god of war after it red like color.
Jupiter Jupiter has red spot known as The Great Red Spot which Is a giant, swirling hurricane which is bigger than three Earths Jupiter moon Io has more than 400 active Volcanoes. Jupiter Moon Callisto is bigger than Mercury
Saturn Saturn moon Mimas is so small it could fit in Texas Saturn rings are about 0.5 mile thick and 180 miles wide. Saturn has 62 moons and Mimas looks like an eye ball because of a huge creater
Uranus Uranus is the only planet in this solar system that spins on it’s side and it was discovered by William Herschel and he found it on 13 March 1781. Uranus has 20 year long seasons wow ! One year on Uranus is 80 earth years.
Neptune Neptune was discovered on 23 September 1846 by Urbain Le Verrier, John Couch Adams, Johann Galle Neptune Great Dark Spot is big enough to fit a earth in it’s similar to the great red stop on Jupiter Neptune winds are three times stronger than Jupiter's and nine times stronger than earths
Comets Comets are balls of ice that form in the Oort cloud they have bright, flashing light tails behind them. Orbiting the sun, swooping toward and away from it. In 1994 a comet called Shoemaker-Levy smashed into Jupiter. It created a ball of fire the size of earth Oort cloud The Oort Cloud is at the edge of out solar system in it are the farthest objects held by our sun
Asteroids Asteroids are rocks that float in space One asteroid names chariklo is known to have odd rings around it Meteorite A Meteorite is a asteroid that hit Earth the biggest one is called the Willamette metorite
Pluto Pluto is a dwarf planet and it is smaller than our moon Pluto has a 5 moons they are Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra. Charon the largest moon is 750 and 753 miles (1,207 and 1,212 kilometers) in diameter
End credits Most facts were bought to you by,the book planets By Penelope Arlon and Tory Gordon Harris, or my school packet