YIT Group Financial Statements 2004 Group CEO Reino Hanhinen Event for analysts and investors 15 February 2005 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Contents I. YIT Group Financial Statements 2004 II. Strategic Targets III. YIT Share IV. Future Outlook Appendices IAS/IFRS Financial Statements 2004 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
YIT Group Financial Statements 2004 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
YIT’s corporate structure YIT Corporation Reino Hanhinen Corporate Management, Corporate Services, Corporate Communications Construction Services Ilpo Jalasjoki Services for Industry Raimo Poutiainen Building Systems Juhani Pitkäkoski Data Network Services Hannu Leinonen Building Systems Automation and security Facility Management Housing Business environments Infrastructure Piping and tanks Maintenance Fixed networks Mobile networks Net sales 2004 MEUR 1,332 Personnel Dec/2004 12,194 Net sales 2004 MEUR 1,427 Personnel Dec/2004 5,102 Net sales 2004 MEUR 195 Personnel Dec/2004 2,760 Net sales 2004 MEUR 127 Personnel Dec/2004 1,328 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Key events in 2004 YIT´s net sales, profit before taxes and order backlog on all time high levels. YIT´s operating profit on all time high levels each quarter in YIT´s history. Building Systems has completed a successful integration process and has moved into running business operations on a normal level. The EBITA for the segment at the fourth quarter was 4,0% of net sales. Residential construction in Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania saw rapid growth. In Finland residential construction stabilised on a good level at the end of the year and the profit of Construction Services was on a good level. The order backlog of Services for Industry doubled. Data Network Services´cost efficiency and strong growth in broadband connections resulted in good profits. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Financial statements 2004 key figures Net sales growth was 27% amounting to EUR 3,033.4 million (2,389.7). The share of net sales accounted for by the Group’s international activities was 40% (28%). The share of net sales accounted for by maintenance and service business increased to EUR 1,010.2 million (643.5), representing 33% (27%) of total net sales. EBITA amounted to EUR 165.7 million (118.7). Profit before taxes growth was 40% and amounted to EUR 118.2 million (84.4). Return on investment was 19.6% (16.8%). Order backlog growth was 8% and amounted to EUR 1,604.9 million (1,490.1). Earnings per share growth was 67% and was EUR 1.37 (0.82). The Board of Directors will propose to the Annual General Meeting that a dividend of EUR 0.70 (0.60) be paid per share, representing 51.1 per cent of earnings per share. YIT is increasing its dividend for the tenth year in a row. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Net sales by quarter MEUR 1) 1) The figure for the fourth quarter 2003 includes the net sales of the acquired Building Systems operations over a four-month period (from August 29 to December 31, 2003). 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Operating profit (EBIT) by quarter MEUR 2) 3) 1) Operating profit was reduced by the sum of EUR 5.7 million recorded as a loss by YIT on the basis of a ruling by the Helsinki District Court. YIT has appealed the decision. Includes about EUR 30 million in capital gains from the sale of Makroflex. Operating profit of Building Systems business segment is burdened by EUR 5.8 million integration costs and EUR 11.5 million downscaling expenses of the acquired Building Systems operations in Sweden. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Consolidated income statement MEUR 2004 2003 Change Net sales 3,033.4 2,389.7 27% Net sales outside Finland 1,212.7 672.5 80% Sale of shares in own production 203.1 243.1 -16% Operating income and expenses -2,850.6 -2,253.3 Depreciation and value adjustments -17.1 -17.7 -3% EBITA 165.7 118.7 40% as percentage of net sales 5.5% 5.0% Amortization of goodwill and goodwill on consolidation -30.6 -20.1 52% Operating profit (EBIT) 135.1 98.6 37% 4.5% 4.1% Financial income and expenses, net -16.8 -14.2 18% Profit before extraordinary items 118.2 84.4 Extraordinary income Extraordinary expenses Profit before taxes Profit for the report period 84.0 48.4 74% 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Consolidated Balance Sheet MEUR Dec/2004 Dec/2003 Change ASSETS Intangible assets Goodwill 152.1 168.9 -10% Other intangible assets 12.3 11.8 4% Goodwill on consolidation 72.1 78.0 -8% Tangible assets 68.4 66.8 2% Investments 6.8 7.9 -14% Inventories 421.6 380.8 11% Receivables 822.1 781.0 5% Marketable securities 0.7 11.9 -94% Cash and cash equivalents 34.2 48.4 -29% Total assets 1,590.3 1,555.5 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Consolidated Balance Sheet MEUR Dec/2004 Dec/2003 Change LIABILITIES Share capital 61.3 61.0 - Other shareholders’ equity 395.9 347.3 14% Minority interests 3.6 3.4 6% Provisions 26.0 27.3 -5% Interest-bearing debt 261.5 264.7 -1% Non interest-bearing debt 842.0 851.8 Total liabilities 1,590.3 1,555.5 2% 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Net sales by business segment MEUR 2004 2003 Change Building Systems 1,331.5 681.01) 96% Construction Services 1,427.3 1,398.5 2% Services for Industry 195.1 209.71) -7% Data Network Services 127.0 130.0 -2% Other items -47.5 -29.5 61% YIT Group total 3,033.4 2,389.7 27% The figures for 2003 are pro forma calculations. The acquired Building Systems business operations had net sales of EUR 335.1 million during the period from August 29 to December 31, 2003. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
of which net sales outside Finland 1,212.7 MEUR Net sales by country 2004 Finland 60.0% 1,820.7 MEUR Other countries 1.2% 35.9 MEUR Russia 3.3% 101.3 MEUR Baltic countries 5.5% 166.6 MEUR Other Nordic countries 30.0% 908.9 MEUR Total 3,033.4 MEUR, of which net sales outside Finland 1,212.7 MEUR 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
EBITA and EBIT by business segment 2004 MEUR Building Systems Construction Services Services for Industry Data Network Services Other items EBITA total MEUR 165.7 EBIT total MEUR 135.1 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Operating profit before amortization of goodwill and goodwill on consolidation (EBITA) by business segment MEUR 2004 2003 Change Building Systems 33.6 -7.1 - Construction Services 111.6 111.1 Services for Industry 6.8 9.7 -30% Data Network Services 19.7 14.0 41% Other items -6.0 -9.0 -33% YIT Group total 165.7 118.7 40% 1) 2) 1) The figures for 2003 are pro forma calculations. Operating profit of Building Systems business segment is burdened by EUR 5.8 million integration costs and EUR 11.5 million downscaling expenses of the acquired Building Systems operations in Sweden. Operating profit includes EUR 24.3 million non-recurring items. Operating profit of International Operations includes about EUR 30 million in capital gains from the sale of Makroflex. Operating profit of YIT Business Premises was reduced by the sum of EUR 5.7 million recorded as a loss by YIT on the basis of a ruling by the Helsinki District Court. YIT has appealed the decision. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Strategic target level: 20% Return on investment by business segment 2004 % 1) Building Systems Construction Services Services for Industry Data Network Services YIT Group Strategic target level: 20% 1) Pro forma. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Gearing ratio and cash flow 1999-2004 Gearing ratio,% Operating cash flow before taxes *, MEUR 1) 2) 1) Cash flow before EUR 169.2 million transaction price of Building Systems acquisition paid on August 29, 2003 and EUR 30 million capital gains from the sale of Makroflex. *Operating cash flow before taxes = Cash flow from operations before financial items and taxes + cash flow from investing activities 2) YIT paid EUR 22 million as additional transaction price of Building Systems acquisition in January 2004. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Order backlog by business segment MEUR 2004 2003 Change Building Systems 557.8 502.31) 11% Construction Services 847.9 817.7 4% Services for Industry 116.5 67.21) 73% Data Network Services 82.7 102.9 -20% YIT Group total 1,604.9 1,490.1 8% The figures for 2003 are pro forma calculations. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Order backlog at end of period MEUR 1,604.9 1,490.1 938.8 735.8 574.7 477.5 479.1 411.7 332.8 346.1 319.7 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Earnings/share and dividend/share 1995–2004 Earnings/share, EUR Dividend/share*, EUR 1) * The doubling of the number of shares, which came into effect on March 26, 2004, has been taken into account. 1) Board of Directors’ proposal. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Strategic targets 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
YIT’s strategic operational objectives Nordic market leader in Building Systems services The company growing most rapidly in the residential construction market in Russia and the Baltic countries International supplier of Data Network Services Profit-gearing operator of big industrial projects Innovative developer of public sector services and domestic market leader Stable growth in service and maintenance business The most famous brand within the construction and maintenance of technical infrastructure in the Nordic countries 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Expanding maintenance services Net sales of maintenance and upkeep services and their share of the entire Group’s net sales MEUR 33% 27% 24% 24% 22% 20% 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Maintenance and upkeep services Share of maintenance and upkeep services by business segment 2004 Building Systems 748.2 MEUR Data Network Services 92.1 MEUR Services for Industry 135.4 MEUR Construction Services 70.5 MEUR Maintenance and upkeep services YIT Group total 1,010.2 MEUR 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
YIT’s strategic target levels Average annual growth in net sales 5–10% Return on investment 20% Equity ratio 35% Dividend payout 30–50% of net profit for the year after taxes and minority interests 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Strategic target level: growth 5–10% per year Net sales 1994–2004 MEUR Average annual growth 1994-2004: 18.7% Strategic target level: growth 5–10% per year 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Strategic target level: 20% Return on investment 1994-2004 % Strategic target level: 20% 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Strategic target level: 35% Equity ratio 1994-2004 % Strategic target level: 35% 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Dividend payout 1995-2004 Dividend/share*, EUR Dividend/earnings, % 1) 1) * The doubling of the number of shares, which came into effect March 26, 2004, has been taken into account. 1) Board of Directors’ proposal. YIT´s dividend policy: 30–50% of the annual profit after taxes and minority interests 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
YIT share 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Principal shareholders Jan. 31, 2005 No. % 1. Sampo Life Insurance Company Ltd 5,654,560 9.23 2. Suomi Mutual Life Assur. Company 4,285,590 6.99 3. Varma Mutual Pension Ins. Company 3,906,604 6.37 4. Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Ins.Co 2,043,909 3.33 5. Tapiola Insurance Group 1,865,190 3.04 6. Security Trading Ltd 1,359,000 2.22 7. Pohjola Insurance Group 965,115 1.57 8. Etera Mutual Pension Ins. Company 867,200 1.41 9. Kaleva Mutual Insurance Company 738,700 1.21 10. State Pension Fund 718,200 1.17 Nominee-registered 16,099,623 26.27 Other shareholders 22,789,163 37.19 Total 61,292,854 100.00 Total number of shareholders 7,588. Nominal value of the share EUR 1.00 (registered on March 26, 2004, whereby the number of shares was doubled). Share capital EUR 61,292,854. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Nominee-registered shareholders + other international ownership as percentage of equity 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Number of shareholders at end of period 1/2005 YIT Corporation was formed on September 2, 1987. YIT’s share has been quoted on Helsinki Exchanges since September 4, 1995. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Future Outlook 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Building Systems Following a successful integration process all countries have moved into running business operations on a normal level and the profit development has been positive. The market developed positively as a result of the good demand in residential construction and maintenance as well as the industry starting to invest. In order to improve profitability efficiency measures were taken and project management and co-operation was developed further. Fixed expenses were reviewed in each country and necessary cost cutting measures and personnel adjustment measures were taken locally. The largest individual action was taken in Sweden in the beginning of 2004 when payroll was cut by a total of 320 people. In addition, the two operating companies in Sweden were merged on 1 October 2004. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
EBITA excluding non-recurring items total 37.6 MEUR (2.8%) Building Systems EBITA 2004 MEUR (4.0%) (3.4%) (2.3%) (1.5%) Q1/2004 Q2/2004 Q3/2004 Q4/2004 EBITA total 33.6 MEUR (2.5%) EBITA excluding non-recurring items total 37.6 MEUR (2.8%) Does not include a loss provision of EUR 4 million due to an electrification project on two ships for the Royal Danish Navy. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Construction Services Number of start-ups in YIT’s housing production in Finland No. 3,169 3,278 3,108 2,944 2,634 2,717 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Migration between municipalities in Finland persons 1-12/2004: 282,406 1-12/2003: 275,157 Source: Statistics Finland, Jan. 20, 2005 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Interest rates and expectations 26 May 2018 Interest rates and expectations % -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 3 month euro interest rate, USA 3 month euro interest rate, Great Britain 3 month stibor (Sweden’s market interest rate) 3 month euro interest rate, Japan 3 month euribor interest rate (actual days/360) Source: Bloomberg 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION YIT CORPORATION
Russia: 144.2 million inhabitants (2003) Construction Services Russia and Baltic Countries Russia: 144.2 million inhabitants (2003) 17,078,000 km2 TALLINN PÄRNU KAUNAS ST. PETERSBURG (4.7) RIGA VILNIUS MOSCOW (10.1) NIZHNI-NOVGOROD (1.3) MOS.OBLAST (6.5) KAZAN (1.1) JEKATERINBURG (1.3) SAMARA (1.2) Current business locations Potential expansion 2007-2015 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Construction Services YIT’s housing production in Russia and Baltic countries No. 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Services for Industry The reduction in net sales was mainly due to the reduction in investments. Mainly maintenance investments and modernizations were made. During the year a clear turnaround took place and investments were started. The strong growth in the order backlog was due to orders received from the Fortumin Diesel-project. Considerable investments for YIT are as well the fifth nuclear power plant and large investments started by the pulp- and paper industry in the Nordic countries. The market development continued favourably for industrial maintenance. The low investment level resulted in maintenance of the old machine park. To facilitate maintenance many standstills in production within the pulp- and paper industry and power plants took place during the year. Stable demand continued in outsourcing of services. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Data Network Services Profit development was stronger than last year as a result of a more vivid market situation as well as development and efficiency measures taken by the segment´s own organisation. Net sales increased mainly as a result of new operator customerships, growth in broadband connections and related installations. Good demand in broadband connections increased the order backlog. The share of maintenance increased as a result of the decrease in mobile network projects and the change in demand into smaller maintenance service projects. In 2004 the focus was on developing new services within technical IT services and actions to support the opening of this installation market as well as the telecom networks market. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
26 May 2018 Market Outlook Economic research institutions estimate that the Nordic economies will develop in a stable manner in 2005 and 2006 with 2-3 % growth, ie. about one percentage point above the growth level in EU. Russia and Norway will benefit from the high oil price. The growth rate of Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania is about two-fold compared to that of the Nordic countries. Indicators estimating the level of interest rates imply that the interest rates in Euroland will according to current information stay relatively stable for some year, which supports investments and demand for housing. The growth in exports and industrial investments will increase the need for industrial investments and maintenance. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION YIT CORPORATION
26 May 2018 Outlook for 2005 Profit before taxes in 2005 is estimated to improve compared to 2004. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION YIT CORPORATION
Corporate Communications More information on our site at www.yit.fi Veikko Myllyperkiö Vice President, Corporate Communications tel. 020 433 2297 mobile 040 840 2500 fax 020 433 3746 e-mail: veikko.myllyperkio@yit.fi Esko Mäkelä Executive Vice President tel. 020 433 2258 fax 020 433 3725 e-mail: esko.makela@yit.fi Petra Thorén Manager, Investor Relations tel. 020 433 2635 mobile 040 764 5462 fax 020 433 3725 e-mail: petra.thoren@yit.fi 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Appendices IAS/IFRS 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Effects of the changes in the accounting principles on Jan. 1, 2004 IAS/IFRS Effects of the changes in the accounting principles on Jan. 1, 2004 Developer contracting Net sales from the sale of shares in own production (double net sales) will be eliminated, with operating profit remaining unchanged (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2004: about EUR 203 million. Developer contracting will be recognized on the basis of the percentage of completion (degree of the completion of construction multiplied by the degree of sale). This will slow down earnings accrual compared to the present practice, in which the project margin has been recorded as revenue in the income statement on the basis of the degree of completion or the degree of sale, whichever is lower. This accounting change will reduce shareholders’ equity in the balance sheet by about EUR 15 million at the time of transition. In IFRS, 10-year construction commitments are recorded as provisions having an effect on earnings, whereas they are presently recorded as expenses on the basis of their realization. This accounting change will reduce shareholders’ equity in the balance sheet and increase provisions by about EUR 18 million. The changes in the treatment of developer contracting will also affect the elimination of internal items in the balance sheet and sold contract receivables. These accounting changes will increase current interest-bearing liabilities in the opening balance sheet by about EUR 140 million. On the whole, the changes will reduce the balance sheet total by about EUR 100 million. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Effects of the changes in the accounting principles on Jan. 1, 2004 IAS/IFRS Effects of the changes in the accounting principles on Jan. 1, 2004 Occupational disability portion of statutory entitlement pensions (TEL) The occupational disability portion of statutory entitlement pensions will be treated as a payment-based system in IFRS financial statements. The occupational disability portion of statutory entitlement pensions, including the deferred taxes thereon, has neither been booked to reduce shareholders’ equity or to increase pension liabilities and deferred tax assets. The total effect would reduce shareholders’ equity in the balance sheet by about EUR 37 million. Financial leasing agreements Leasing agreements in which the Group has a substantial share of the risks or benefits of ownership have been classified as financial leasing agreements and recorded as fixed assets and interest-bearing liabilities. The effect of the leasing agreements is to increase the balance sheet by about EUR 40 million. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Effects of the changes in the accounting principles on Jan. 1, 2004 IAS/IFRS Effects of the changes in the accounting principles on Jan. 1, 2004 Goodwill and goodwill on consolidation The amortization of goodwill and goodwill on consolidation according to plan will be discontinued after the 2003 financial year and replaced with value impairment tests. Goodwill and goodwill on consolidation have been tested in the opening balance sheet. On the basis of the tests, there were no grounds for recognizing impairment. In 2004, the amortization of goodwill and goodwill on consolidation amounted to EUR 30.6 million. Tax effects Deferred tax assets and liabilities have been calculated from the permanent differences between the IFRS financial statements and taxation. Their net effect is to increase the balance sheet and shareholders’ equity in the balance sheet by about EUR 13 million. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Appendices Financial Statements 2004 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Key figures 2004 2003 Change Return on investment 19.6%) 16.8% Equity ratio 31.1% 28.3% Net interest-bearing debt, MEUR 226.3 204.4 11% Gearing ratio 49.2% 49.6% Earnings/share, EUR 1.37 0.821) 67% Equity/share, EUR 7.46 6.691) 12% Average share price, EUR 15.92 10.351) 54% Share price at end of period, EUR 18.36 13.451) 37% Gross capital expenditures, MEUR 31.0 232.9 -87% Order backlog, MEUR 1,604.9 1,490.1 8% Average personnel 21,884 16,212 35% The number of YIT’s shares was doubled on March 26, 2004 when the nominal value of the share was changed from two euros to one euro (split). The figures for the comparison periods have been converted to correspond with the doubled number of shares. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
of which net sales outside Finland 1,212.7 MEUR Net sales by business segment 2004 Building Systems 44% 1,331.5 MEUR Data Network Services 4% 127.0 MEUR Services for Industry 6% 195.1 MEUR Construction Services 47% 1,427.3 MEUR Total 3,033.4 MEUR, of which net sales outside Finland 1,212.7 MEUR 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
1) Includes the Russian and Baltic operations. Building Systems Breakdown of net sales 2004 YIT Sverige AB Sweden 38% 506.5 MEUR YIT A/S Denmark 9% 116.6 MEUR YIT Building Systems AS Norway 21% 281.2 MEUR YIT Kiinteistötekniikka Oy Finland 1) 32% 429.3 MEUR Total net sales 1,331.5 MEUR 1) Includes the Russian and Baltic operations. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Construction Services Breakdown of net sales 2004 International operations 18% 266.8 MEUR Operations in Finland 82% 1,160.5 MEUR Total net sales 1,427.3 MEUR 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Services for Industry Breakdown of net sales 2004 Investments 31% 59.7 MEUR Maintenance and upkeep services 69% 135.4 MEUR Total net sales 195.1 MEUR 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Data Network Services Breakdown of net sales 2004 Maintenance, repairs and subscriber deliveries 70% 88.9 MEUR Project operations 30% 38.1 MEUR Total net sales 127.0 MEUR 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Net sales 1995–2004 MEUR 3,033.4 2,389.7 1,763.0 1,623.1 1,222.1 1,235.4 1,167.7 941.4 876.3 660.0 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Net sales (EBIT) by business segment MEUR 2004 2003 Change Building Systems 9.0 -19.7 1) - Construction Services 109.4 107.8 2) 1% Services for Industry 6.3 8.8 1) -28% Data Network Services 16.4 10.7 53% Other items -6.0 -9.0 -33% YIT Group total 135.1 98.6 37% The figures for 2003 are pro forma calculations. Operating profit of Building Systems business segment is burdened by EUR 5.8 million integration costs and EUR 11.5 million downscaling expenses of the acquired Building Systems operations in Sweden. Operating profit includes EUR 24.3 million non-recurring items. Operating profit of International Operations includes about EUR 30 million in capital gains from the sale of Makroflex. Operating profit of YIT Business Premises was reduced by the sum of EUR 5.7 million recorded as a loss by YIT on the basis of a ruling by the Helsinki District Court. YIT has appealed the decision. 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Operating profit (EBIT) 1995–2004 MEUR 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Order backlog by business segment December 31, 2004 Building Systems 35% 557.8 MEUR Data Network Services 5% 82.7 MEUR Services for Industry 7% 116.5 MEUR Construction Services 53% 847.9 MEUR Total order backlog 1,604.9 MEUR, of which order backlog outside Finland 621.0 MEUR 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Order backlog by quarter 2000–2004, MEUR at the end of period 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Gross capital expenditures 1999-2004 MEUR % of net sales Major acquisitions: YIT Calor (2001), YIT Primatel (2002) and YIT Building Systems (2003). 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Personnel at end of year 1994-2004 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Personnel by business segment December 31, 2004 Building Systems 56% 12,194 Corporate services 1% 296 Data Network Services 6% 1,328 Services for Industry 13% 2,760 Construction Services 24% 5,102 Total 21,680 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION
Personnel by country December 31, 2004 Total 21,680 Finland 53% 11,540 Russia 5% 1,110 Baltic countries 5% 1,151 Denmark 5% 1,136 Norway 12% 2,507 Sweden 20% 4,236 Total 21,680 15 February 2005 | YIT CORPORATION