iHepatitis A vaccine (HepA) iHepatitis A vaccine (HepA). HepA is recommended for all children at 1 y of age (i.e.,12–23 mo). The 2 doses in the series should be administered at least 6 mo apart. States, counties, and communities with existing HepA vaccination programs for children 2–18 y of age are encouraged to maintain these programs. In these areas, new efforts focused on routine vaccination of 1-y-old children should enhance, not replace, ongoing programs directed at a broader population of children. HepA is also recommended for certain high-risk groups (see MMWR 1999;48[RR-12]:1–37). Source: Appendix, Clinician's Pocket Reference: The Scut Monkey, 11e Citation: Gomella LG, Haist SA. Clinician's Pocket Reference: The Scut Monkey, 11e; 2007 Available at: https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com/DownloadImage.aspx?image=/data/Books/gome/gome_c023f005.gif&sec=43079118&BookID=365&ChapterSecID=43074931&imagename= Accessed: October 16, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved