2nd Grade Newsletter Classroom News September 6- 9, 2016 Dates to Remember Classroom News 9/5- No school: Labor Day 9/9- Grandparents day 7:15am 9/13- Parent Night 5:00-6:30pm 10/8- Fall Festival 10/12-10/15- Fall Break 10/26- Picture retakes 10/31- Halloween parties 11/11- Veteran’s Day 1pm 11/12- Breakfast with books 11/14-11/18- Bookfair Please try to make sure your child is here on Friday’s. We typically have assessments and have protocols to follow as far as administering them. If your child is absent, we cannot guarantee that he/she will be given the assessment the same way as the other children in the classroom. Please donate to your child’s class basket for fall festival. Horne- Bourbon County Sexton- UK Shiflet- Pet Please sign up to work your child’s fall festival booth! Horne/Sexton- Cake Walk Shiflet- Coke Toss Homework – Please notice the change in homework. We are only asking that your child does the front of the math pages. The back is optional. Also, there is only one spelling assignment that needs to be turned in. The rest of the week you and your child can study as you wish. Please make sure you are reading every night with your child and signing their reading log! Student Name:________________________ Parent Signature:_____________________ Cane Ridge Elementary School Email: first.last@bourbon.kyschools.us Mrs. Horne, Mrs. Sexton, Mrs. Shiflet Website: www.bourbon.kyschools.us 8000 MLK Blvd. Paris, KY Phone Number: 859-987-2106
grass trips crack still west mask clap plans milk belt Bonus/Review: Spelling Words Homework: Monday: No School Tuesday: Spelling- Choose one activity from below. Turn this in to your teacher. (write your words 3x each colorfully or practice test and write missed words or abc order!) Math- pgs. 27 (front only)*remember to tear out pages* Wednesday: Spelling: study as you wish (do not turn anything in) Math- pgs. 29 (front only) Thursday: Spelling: study as you wish (do not turn anything in. Math: pgs. 31 (front only) grass trips crack still west mask clap plans milk belt Bonus/Review: -fog -tub -by -he -she I Can Statements: Math: Chapter 2 2.NBT.2 I can identify a bundle of 10 tens as a “hundred.” I can show a three digit number with hundreds, tens, and ones. I can explain the value of each digit in a 3-digit number. I can show how many hundreds, tens, and ones are in each hundred 200 through 900. 2.NBT.3I can read numbers to 1000. I can write numbers and number words to 1000. I can use place value to show numbers different ways. I can write numbers in expanded form to 1000. 2.NBT.8I can identify 10 more, 10 less, 100 more, 100 less than a given number. 2.NBT.4I can explain the value of each digit in a three-digit number. I can compare two three-digit numbers. This means I can use what I know about place value to show if a number is greater than, less then, or equal to other numbers. I can tell and show what <, >, and = mean I can compare two numbers using the symbols <, >, and =. Reading: Unit 1 Week 3 RL.2.3 Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. RL.2.7 Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot. L.2.4a Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. Star Citizen Hanson Lemons- Hanson always puts forth his best effort. He is a great role model for everyone in the classroom! He is also always super quiet in the hallway!