Welcome to the BT Super Conference October 2, 2017
Objectives Understand the 2017 A-F framework Identify ways to move forward at your site
Essential Questions • What are your successes with AzMERIT? • How are school labels structured for 2017? • What are your successes with AzMERIT? • How will you lead improvements for 2017 -2018?
A-F Accountability
K-8 System Proficiency Growth ELL Acceleration/Readiness Category Component Weight Points/Percent Proficiency ELA, Math, and Science Proficiency (0, .6, 1.0, 1.3) 3 Years of FAY 30% Growth SGP/SGT on ELA, Math 25% SGP 25% SGT 50% ELL ELL Proficiency on AZELLA 5% 10% ELL Growth on AZELLA Acceleration/Readiness *Grades 5, 6, 7, 8 HS EOC combined, *Grade 3 ELA MP, *Chronic Absenteeism *Inclusion of students with high incident and low incident disabilities in general education *Improved growth of subgroups K-8 System We did try disaggregating by grade HS EOC. It didn’t make a large difference in numbers, but that is an option. No cap on growth needed. Cap on proficiency. 45 schools earned greater than 40 points. – 3% None of the models at this time include the Special Education enrolment at 80% of state bonus points. 1248 schools (80%) would earn the points.
High School System Category Component Weight Points/Percent Proficiency ELA, Math, and Science Proficiency (0, .6, 1.0, 1.3) 30% Growth SGP/SGT on ELA, Math 10% SGP 10% SGT 20% ELL ELL Proficiency on AZELLA 5% 10% ELL Growth on AZELLA College and Career Ready Student level scoring On a variety of self reported Data Graduation Rate 4-year 5 Improvement 10% 5-year 4 6-year 2.5 7-year .05 High School System Cap on proficiency. 8 schools – 3%. No cap on growth needed.
A-F Proficiency
G3 ELA + G3 Math + G4 ELA + G4 Math +G5 ELA + G5 Math + G4 Science or What Counts in Proficiency (for schools that tested >= 95% of their FAY students) AzMERIT ELA and Math and MSAA ELA and Math AIMS Science and AIMS A Science G3 ELA + G3 Math + G4 ELA + G4 Math +G5 ELA + G5 Math + G4 Science or G6 ELA + G6 Math + G7 ELA + G7 Math +G8 ELA + G8 Math + G8 Science + EOC or G9 ELA EOC + G9 Algebra EOC + G10 ELA EOC + G Geometry EOC +G11 ELA EOC + Algebra ll EOC + Biology AIMS
3 Years Full Academic Year (FAY) Proficiency K-8 Only Of the available 30% 15 % for 3 years 10 % for 2 years 5 % for 1 year Or all one year FAY. The one that is better.
How Many Points? 0 credit for minimally proficient (MP) 0.6 for partially proficient (PP) 1.0 for proficient (P) 1.3 for highly proficient (HP)
(PP X 0.6 + P X 1.0 + HP X 1.3) X 0.30 = Elementary School points
Where We Lose Points Elementary School
A-F Growth SGP
Two Parts of Growth (No ELL) K-8 High School
SGP is a measure of how much a student improves his or her state test performance from one year to the next compared to students across the state with a similar score history.
SGP Growth Student Growth Percentage Prior Year HP 0.50 1.00 Prior Year P 0.70 1.20 Prior Year PP 0.90 1.80 Prior Year MP 1.0 2.0 0-33 34-66 67-99 Current Year Low Growth Current Year Average Growth Current Year High Growth
SGP ELA Growth Student Growth Percentage Prior Year HP 4 X 0 6 X 0.50 6 X 1.00 Prior Year P 9 X 0 15 X 0.70 22 X 1.20 Prior Year PP 3 X 0 5 X 0.90 12 X 1.80 Prior Year MP 6 X 1.0 9 X 2.0 0-33 34-66 67-99 Current Year Low Growth Current Year Average Growth Current Year High Growth
Minimally Proficient Students 2.00 No Points 1.00 Points
Partially Proficient Students 1.80 No Points 0.90 Points
Proficient Students 1.70 No Points 0.70 Points
Highly Proficient Students 1.00 No Points 0.50 Points
A-F Growth SGT
SGT Growth 0.50 1.00 0.70 1.20 0.90 1.80 1.0 2.0 Prior Year HP Student Growth to Target Prior Year HP 0.50 1.00 Prior Year P 0.70 1.20 Prior Year PP 0.90 1.80 Prior Year MP 1.0 2.0 <10 percentile points of target + /-10 percentile points of target >10 percentile points of target Current Year Below Target Current Year at or Near Target Current Year Above Target
Pink Post-It Notes - Minimally Proficient Yellow Post-It Notes - Partially Proficient Orange Post-It Notes - Proficient Purple Post-It Notes - Highly Proficient Cut scores on board & AZMerit scale score on post-it
ELL Proficiency and Growth (5% each part - if n count is greater than or equal to 20 FAY ELL students) Proficiency on AZELLA Based on school’s percentage of students proficient compared to the state’s average ELL proficiency 0-5 points awarded Based on Standard Deviation
State Average
State Average 5 Points
State Average 3 Points
State Average 2 Points
State Average 1 Point
A-F Acceleration CCRI
Points Per Indicator
Subgroup Improvement (Up to 6 points; each subgroup is worth 2 points) The following subgroups are evaluated by test subject (ELA, Math): White Hispanic Indian Asian African American Pacific Islander Two or More Races English Learner Special Education Economically Disadvantaged
A-F High School Graduation Rate
Graduation Rate -- 2 Parts The graduation rate indicator is worth 20% of a 9-12 school’s letter grade. Schools must have a minimum of 20 students in the 4-year cohort to be eligible for points. Graduation rate points include two measures each worth10%: a 4-, 5-, 6-, and 7-year calculation and an improvement calculation
4-, 5-, 6-, and 7-year Rate Points= ((Cohort 2016 4-year graduation rate x .05) + (Cohort 2015 5-year graduation rate x .04) + (Cohort 2014 6-year graduation rate x .025)+ (Cohort 2013 7-year graduation rate x.005))
Improvement Calculation A school’s current year 4-year graduation rate is greater than or equal to 90%= 10 points The difference between a school’s current year 4-year graduation rate and prior year 4-year graduation rate is greater than 2 points = 10 points The difference between a school’s current year 4-year graduation rate and prior year 4-year graduation rate is greater than or equal to -2 points and less than or equal to 2 points = 5 points The difference between a school’s current year 4-year graduation rate and prior year 4-year graduation rate is less than -2 points = 0 points
A-F Bonus Points
Bonus Points K-12 Schools with greater than or equal to 80% of the current year state average of FAY students enrolled in special education will earn 2 bonus points.
Cut Scores
Closure From today’s discussion of the newly adopted A – F Accountability framework, what is one question you have for moving forward? Be prepared to share.