Statistical modelling of complex biological mechanisms by combining multiple data sources: an example on gene environment interactions Prof. Jeanine. J. Houwing
Prof. Jeanine. J. Houwing Position: Head of Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics Research interest: statistical genetics and analysis of family data Research topics: estimation of genotypic relative risks and variance components from family data, advanced linkage methods, models for healthy aging, combining heterogeneous datasets , joint Analysis of omics data Current funding: Coordinator of collaborative FP7 funded consortium MIMOmics: Methods for Integrated analysis of Multiple Omics datasets. KNAW- Spin 2: work package leader to develop statistical methods for the analysis of longitudinal family design
Prof. Maria. Yazdanbakhs Epidemiologic transition - from communicable to non communicable diseases and the underlying immunological mechanisms Prof. Maria. Yazdanbakhs
Prof. Maria. Yazdanbakhs Position: Head of Parasitology Department. Leiden Univ. The Netherlands Education: Medical Parasitology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine PhD, Amsterdam Univ: Immunobiology of eosinophils Post doctoral, Imperial College London: Molecular biology of parasitic helminths Research interest: immunological pathways at the population in cellular and molecular level.