State Standard 23) Describe the location, structures, and primary functions of the anatomical parts of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Differentiate between the structures and functions of the cranial nerves, spinal nerves, sympathetic nerves, and parasympathetic nerves. Determine how the phenomenon of biofeedback relates to the structures of the PNS.
Objective Students will be able to… Describe the parts and functions of the peripheral nervous system. Distinguish between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system functions. Identify the cranial nerves
PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Includes all of the nerves of the body and ganglia Connects the central nervous system to various body structures Controls the involuntary (automatic) activities of vital internal organs Acts as a reflex center of body © 2004 Delmar Learning, a Division of Thomson Learning, Inc.
NERVES Sensory (afferent) nerve - fibers carry impulses from sense organs to the brain or spinal cord Motor (efferent) nerve - fibers carry impulses from brain or spinal cord to muscles or glands Mixed nerve - contains both sensory and motor fibers © 2004 Delmar Learning, a Division of Thomson Learning, Inc.
CRANIAL AND SPINAL NERVES The cranial nerves are 12 pairs of nerves that begin in various areas of the brain (covered on the next slides) The spinal nerves originate at the spinal cord and go through openings in the vertebrae (carry messages to and from the brain to the body) 31 pairs of spinal nerves All 31 pairs of spinal nerves are mixed nerves © 2004 Delmar Learning, a Division of Thomson Learning, Inc.
Cranial Nerves 12 pairs of nerves that originate in the brain structures Numbered using roman numerals and have various functions
Cranial Nerves
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM Includes nerves, ganglia, and plexuses that carry impulses to all smooth muscle, secretory glands, and heart muscle Regulates the activities of the visceral organs Heart, blood vessels, respiratory, alimentary canal, bladder, reproductive organs © 2004 Delmar Learning, a Division of Thomson Learning, Inc.
AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM There are two divisions: Sympathetic system - consists of two cords of nerve fibers and ganglia extending from base of brain down through spinal column (fight or flight) Parasympathetic system Vagus nerve - chest and neck Pelvic nerve - hip region Both are highly influenced by emotion © 2004 Delmar Learning, a Division of Thomson Learning, Inc.
In times of emergency the sympathetic nervous system prepares the body to act Increased heart rate Increased respirations Increased blood pressure Decreased digestion After the emergency, the parasympathetic nervous system counteracts actions of the sympathetic nervous system Decreased heart rate Decreased respirations, etc.
DISORDERS OF THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Neuritis Sciatica Bell’s palsy Shingles (herpes zoster) Carpal tunnel syndrome © 2004 Delmar Learning, a Division of Thomson Learning, Inc.
Neuritis Inflammation of a nerve or a nerve trunk Severe pain, hypersensitivity, loss of sensation, atrophy, weekness Causes Infections, chemical exposure, alcoholism Due to lack of vitamin B Treated with pain killers
Sciatica Form of neuritis that affects the SCIATIC NERVE May be due to a ruptured disc or arthritis Symptoms include pain that radiates through the buttock and behind the knee to the foot, difficulty walking Treatment is therapy, exercises, and surgery
Bell’s Palsy Involves the 7th cranial nerve Patient appears to have had a stroke on one side of the face Eye does not close completely, the mouth droops on one side Cause is unknown Treatment- massage, and heat application, usually disappears in a few weeks
Shingles Viral Nerve infection Unilateral (one sided) Very painful Related to Previous exposure to chicken pox There is a vaccination against shingles now
Carpal Tunnel Affects the median nerve and flexor tendons that attach to the bones of the wrist These nerves pass through a tunnel at the base of the wrist Repetitive movement of the wrist can result in swelling of this canal causing pain weakness and tingling sensations
Activity Cranial Nerve Testing Read p. 410 over cranial nerves With a partner complete the following lab activities under cranial nerve lab activities tab. P. 413 Oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves you will need a pen light P. 418 Accessory Nerve P. 419 Hypoglossal Nerve ***Have we met our objectives Exit ticket: Individually answer the following analysis questions at the bottom 3,4,5,12, 13, 16
Activity Create a Cute illustration comparing and contrasting…. Fight or Flight (sympathetic) and Rest and Digests (parasympathetic) Include what the body does in each of these reactions Make these creative and colorful Do not use this one And don’t just copy one BE CREATIVE and ORIGINAL