“Ribbons” by Laurence Yep Vocabulary Words…
harassed (participle) - troubled, bothered
laborious (Adjective) - hard; difficult
exotic (Adjective) -foreign; strange in a fascinating way.
exertion (noun) -hard work or effort
exile (noun) -living away from one’s country, usually not by choice
“The Treasure of Lemon Brown” by Walter Dean Meyers Vocabulary words…
impromptu (Adjective) -unplanned; made or done without preparation
tenatively (Adverb) -in an uncertain or hesitant way
intently (Adverb) -with close attention
brittle (Adjective) -having a sharp, hard quality. -easily damaged or destroyed; fragile; frail Brittle also means “lacking warmth, sensitivity, or compassion; aloof”
ominous (Adjective) -threatening, seeming to indicate that something bad will happen
octave (Noun) -eight whole notes
“The Green Mamba” by Roald Dahl Vocabulary words…
autobiography (Noun) -the biography of a person narrated by himself.
veranda (Noun) - A usually roofed open gallery or portico attached to the exterior of a building
malevolent (Adjective) -wishing to harm others