On Tuesday 13th September we celebrate Roald Dahl’s 100th birthday!! (that’s a lot of candles to blow out!!)
Share your responses with the class. You have been invited to dress up as your favourite character from Roald Dahl… Talk to the person next to you about your favourite Roald Dahl character and explain why. Share your responses with the class.
How are we going to celebrate? What could these be used for? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_S_EGjyw4E
The BFG needs some more dreams for his collection… You have to help him create some more! What do you think these dreams might be about?
You will create your own ‘dream’ for the BFG You will create your own ‘dream’ for the BFG. You will then make it in your own dream jar, ready to be used! A dream is basically a very short story. Your dream will capture an image of that story; you’ll then produce a short piece of writing as the ‘label’, describing the dream. What ideas could you have for a dream? Try and think of examples personal to you – what do you feel passionate about? What are your hopes for the world? Could you represent these? What items represent your dream’s activity? Here’s some inspiration…
“Explore” Buzz Aldrin Buzz Aldrin’s jar captures his dream of humans as a two planet species. “I’m focused on making kids part of this adventure because they’re the ones who will be carrying out Mars missions. They should be educated that nothing is impossible.”
“Sisterhood” Delavingne sisters “As sisters, we’re strongest and safest when we’re all together.” Their Dream Jar shows the three girls beautifully sculpted as one.
“Home is where the heart is” Dominic West (actor) “My dream is that every child will feel safe and protected. There are millions of children around the world who have had to flee their homes because of war and conflict. I want people to look at my jar and be reminded of the importance of really simple, basic things like a home and a safe space to play in.”
“Dream of England” Dame Helen Mirren “My dream is of a single mature oak tree, growing handsomely in the middle of a green field. This, to me, is England.”
“Dream of Ice cream” Niall Horan "As a child I dreamt of owning my own special van full of unimaginable flavours invented by me! I wanted to be able to drive my portable home across the most far-flung undiscovered territories of the world, to explore, to imagine and to share my love of ice cream with new friends along the way".
Talk to the people around you about your ideas! Your dream could be based on: Interests Ambition for the future Hope Relationships Hobbies Share with the class. Remember… you’ll be creating your dream… you have to be able to make it!
What ideas do you have for materials? Designing & planning Dream-catching is a long process… the BFG has to make sure he selects the right dreams to add to his jars. On your paper ‘plan’ jar, you need to design your own dream that you could create. On the back of your paper, keep a list of the items you will need to make your dream. What ideas do you have for materials?
Write a reminder in your planners On Tuesday, Roald Dahl Day, you will need to bring all of your equipment ready to make your Dream Jars. Don’t forget to dress up!