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Presentation transcript:

LEARNING GUIDE FOR YEAR 3 English Escape from Pompeii Co-ordinating conjunctions Paragraphs Direct speech Planning a story Orchard Book of Roman Myths Subordinating conjunctions Expanded noun phrases Headings, subheadings & bullet points Similes RE Christmas God with us Harvest Yom Kippur Science Rocks States of Matter Computer Science Writing and debugging scripted, animated cartoons in Scratch Using search engines safely Geography Volcanoes Plotting the Roman Empire History The Roman Empire and the power of its army. Successful invasion by Claudius Hadrian’s Wall. British resistance, Boudicca. The Romans Autumn Term 2016 Mathematics Place Value Count from zero in multiples of 50 and 100 Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number Read, write, compare and order numbers up to 1000 Addition and Subtraction Add and subtract numbers mentally Add and subtract numbers using column addition and subtraction Solve problems, including missing number problems. Multiplication and Division Multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables Formal written methods of multiplication and division Solve problems, including scaling problems. French Introduction to France – location, physical features, major cities, produce. Greetings, name phrases, feelings Age, counting to 12 Colours Christmas vocabulary and songs Art and Design Mosaics Building model, functioning catapults PSHE Rights and Responsibilities New Beginnings Similarities and Differences Getting on and Falling Out Physical Education Gymnastics Real PE Music Composition The elements of music

ST. ANN’S C.E. PRIMARY SCHOOL AND NURSERY CENTRE SCHOOL ADDRESS Lathom Avenue Warrington WA2 8AL SCHOOL TELEPHONE 01925 632210 Email – stanns_primary@warrington.gov.uk Web site –http://stanns.warrington.dbprimary.com/ Please let us know as soon as possible if your child is unable to come to school for any reason. SCHOOL INFORMATION   School HOURS 8.55am – 3.15pm   HEAD TEACHER Mrs K. Keen   CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Mrs J. Lazarus YEAR 3 TEAM Class Teacher Miss Fairclough Teaching Assistants Mrs Collins and Mrs Everitt SCHOOL DATES School starts back – Monday 5th September 2016 Holidays Half term- Friday 14th October 2016 Return to school – Monday 31st October 2016 Finish on Wednesday 21st December 2016 For all other dates and events please refer to the school Newsletter REGULAR EVENTS DURING THE WEEK Monday MyMaths homework set for 1 week Tuesday Wednesday Thursday P.E. – Please bring in your kit Friday Celebration assembly 9:10am in school hall THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP YOUR CHILD AT HOME Go to bed at a reasonable time. Have breakfast each day Listen to your child read 3 times a week and ask them questions about the book. Ensure your child completes their weekly MyMaths homework Help your children to learn their spellings Encourage your child to speak confidently in a sentence. Learn their times tables (as multiplication and division facts) – 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 Remember to ask if you have any queries. CULTURAL PATHWAY Author – Roald Dahl Composer – Mozart Artist – Kandinsky