Profitability & Liquidity Ratio Analysis Ms. Zucchero
Ratio Analysis This is a financial analysis tool used in the interpretation and assessment of a firm’s financial statements Profitability Ratios, Efficiency Ratios, & Liquidity Ratios
Profitability Ratios These ratios assess the performance of a firm in terms of its profit-generating ability Gross Profit Margin & Net Profit Margin
GPM - Gross Profit Margin GPM = Gross Profit/Sales Revenue X 100 A business has sales revenue of $100 million and gross profit of $70 million 70 million/100 million x 100 = 70% What does that mean? For every $100.00 for sales the business makes $70.00 as gross profit. For every $1.00 of sales the business brings in .70 cents as gross profit.
NPM - Net PRofit Margin NPM is the measure of the profit that remains after deducting all costs from the sales revenue. NPM=Net Profit before interest and tax/sales revenue x 100 A firm has sales revenue of $150 million and a net profit before interest and tax of $75 million $75 million/$150 million x 100 = 50% What does that mean? For every $100.00 of sales revenue, the business generates NPM of $50.00
Liquidity Ratios - Current Ratio & ACid Test(Quick) These ratios measure the ability of a firm to pay off its short-term debt obligations Current Ratio = current assets/current liabilities A business has current assets totaling $500,000 while its current liabilities amount to $250,000. What is the current ratio? $500,000/$250,000= 2 or 2:1 $250,000/$500,000 = .5 For every $1 of current liabilities the firm has $2 of current assets For every $1 of current liabilities the firm has $0.50 of current assets
Acid Test (Quick) Ratio This is more stringent indicator of well a firm is able to meet its short-term obligations Acid Test Ratio = current assets - stock / current liabilities Suppose the business has current assets of $500,000 and current liabilities $250,000. The business has stock worth $150,000. $500,000 - $150,000/$250,000 = 1.4 For every $ 1 of current liabilities the business has $1.4 of current assets less stock
Investment Appraisal Investment appraisal refers to the quantitative techniques used in evaluating the viability or attractiveness of an investment proposal. Payback period & Average Rate of Return
Payback period Payback Period = Initial Investment Cost/Annual Cash Flow From Investment A construction engineer plans on investing $200,000 in a new cement-mixing machine and estimates that it will generate about $50,000 in annual cash flow. Calculate the payback period for the machine. Payback Period = $200,000/$50,000 = 4 years
Expected Cash Flows of A new Machine $60,000/$120,000 X 12 = 6 MONTHS Year Annual Net Cash Flows ($) Cumulative Cash Flows ($) (300,000) 1 60,000 (240,000) 2 80,000 (160,000) 3 100,000 (60,000) 4 120,000
aVERAGE rATE OF rETURN This method measures the annual net return on an investment as a percentage of its capital cost It assesses the profitability per annum generated by a project over a period of time Average Rate of Return(ARR)= (total returns - Capital Cost) _____ _____ Years of Usage______________ X 100 Capital Cost