The BFG ROALD DAHL The Big Friendly Giant
Have you ever met a person who seemed at first someone you didn’t understand, but later you discovered that person is the best friend you could ever have? Welcome to the story of the Big Friendly Giant and Sophie.
Character "I is a nice and jumbly giant Character "I is a nice and jumbly giant! I is the only nice and jumbly Giant in Giant Country! I is THE BIG FRIENDLY GIANT! I is the BFG. What is your name?" The BFG is the smallest of all the Giants in Giant Country, but he is also the kindest. While the others rush to gobble up 'human beans' every night, The BFG eats only snozzcumbers (yucky) and frobscottle (yummy, and with interesting side effects...), and teaches himself to write by reading Nicholas Nickleby by Dahl's Chickens (Charles Dickens). He speaks, as his friend Sophie says, "beautifully" - in a way all his own that we call 'gobblefunk. “What I mean and what I say is two different things," the BFG announced rather grandly.”
"No one is going to be worrying too much about me "No one is going to be worrying too much about me. That place you took me from was the village orphanage. We are all orphans in there.“ This is how Sophie introduces herself to BFG. Sophie may be, as The BFG says, "only a tiny little girl," but she is brave. She was stolen from her home in the middle of the “witching hour” and taken to Giant Country, clutched in the palm of The BFG's hand. After she finds out The BFG is not going to eat her, she joins him in eating “foulsome snozzcumbers” and drinking “jumbly frobscottle” with her new friend.
Plot “The witching hour, somebody had once whispered to her, was a special moment in the middle of the night when every child and every grown-up was in a deep deep sleep, and all the dark things came out from hiding and had the world all to themselves.” The story begins here when the BFG and Sophie meet. What adventures do they share? Hint: There are more giants than BFG, human beans are not a vegetable, and the Queen joins Sophie and the BFG in a fight to save the world.
Theme Do you like stories that have something to say about loneliness or friendship or learning? The BFG has some words for you. “The matter with human beans," the BFG went on, "is that they is absolutely refusing to believe in anything unless they is actually seeing it right in front of their own schnozzles.” “let your love out” “Words', he said, 'is oh such a twitch-tickling problem to me all my life. So you must simply try to be patient and stop squibbling. As I am telling you before, I know exactly what words I am wanting to say, but somehow or other they is always getting squiff-squiddled around.”
If you want to read a story that is fun and full of ideas that will make you smile and experiences that will make you think about your own ideas and your own experiences then The BFG is a book you’ll want to read. You’ll find new words through the BFG’s misuse of human “langwitch”. You’ll discover what dreams are made of and how to use them. Mostly, you’ll learn about friendship and how with the help of others, we can overcome all problems no matter how “giant” they are. Happy Reading!