Global Cryosphere Watch Developing Synergies at Global Level INARCH Workshop Grenoble, Oct 18, 2016 Rodica Nitu GCW, Project Manager WMO
Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) Mission INARCH 2015 In order to provide warning of the impacts of climate on downstream water resources, INARCG finds an urgent need for enhancing mountain hydrometeorological and cryospheric observations with open availability of data, and reduced measurement uncertainty. INARCH has identified a series of mountain hydrometeorological observatories around the world, and promote enhanced mountain observations and data publications. Uncertainty and Models Climate change Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) Mission To provide authoritative, understandable, and useable data, information, and analyses on the past, current and future state of the cryosphere to meet the needs of WMO Members and partners in delivering services to users, the media, public, decision and policy makers.
CryoNet 2016 WMO GCW At a glance: CryoNet: high quality, standardized observations of: (i) snow and solid precipitation, (ii) sea ice, lake and river ice, (iii) glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets and ice shelves, (iv) permafrost and seasonally frozen ground. GCW Data Portal: metadata and data Facilitate data access, enabling consistent formats. Data resides in its original location while metadata are exchanged. Interoperability between data centres is essential. GCW Website: providing free access to: Manuals and Guides of Best Practices (observations, data, metadata, data policies) Glossary of terms and outreach material Data products, news and “hot topics” on the state of the cryosphere Data Portal: an interface between
GCW Activities (what is GCW doing, or what’s happening that may not otherwise happen) ENGAGEMENTS Brings together Met Organizations, research, space agencies, other organizations (e.g. UNESCO); giving observational programs done by research institutes/networks and monitoring programs done by research institutions (and not by NHMSs) more relevance and better recognition at the national level thus helping to get financial support and sustainability on the long term.
GCW GOVERNANCE and WORKING STRUCTURE ( Asia Regional Group estab 2016 South America Regional Group 2017 Africa Regional Group Tropical Glaciers 2017 Partners: Met Services; Satellite Agencies; Data Centers; International Organizations; Specialized Agencies Executive Council (EC) EC PHORS GCW Steering Group (GSG) Coordination Office Information and analysis ((anomaly tracking , hot spots, variability and change, global and regional products Portal and website: integrated data and information Outreach, education capacity building\Users and applications: research, operational and services centers, security, impacts, adaptation Information& Services (Portal, Outreach, Training, Glossary) WG Integrated Products (Snow Watch, Glaciers, Sea Ice) WG Observations (CryoNet, Best Practices) WG
GCW Activities (what is GCW doing, or what’s happening that may not otherwise happen) OBSERVATIONS: Developing a network of surface observations, which builds on existing networks, at its core the "CryoNet“ operating on defined observing standards; Establishing and promoting measurement guidelines and best practices; Refining observational requirements as an integral part of the WMO RRR; Engaging in and supporting intercomparisons of instruments and products, e.g., the GCW Snow Watch or CIMO SPICE project; Enhancing near real-time snow depth observation on the GTS/WIS and reporting of zero snow depth; Facilitate the development of high elevation cryosphere observational sites for inclusion into CryoNet (above 4000m a.s.l.)
GCW Activities (what is GCW doing, or what’s happening that may not otherwise happen) PRODUCTS: Promote and develop standards of metadata and data format (at international level); Contributing to WMO’s space-based capabilities database (with PSTG); Evaluation/intercomparison of satellite snow products initiated with ESA (SnowPEX); Producing unique hemispheric products, e.g., “snow anomaly trackers” for SCE and SWE in collaboration with partners; Engaging in historical data rescue (e.g., snow depth); Building an integrated glossary of cryospheric terms; Developing international training, outreach materials; Providing up-to-date information on the state of the cryosphere (through GCW Website); Providing access to data and metadata (through a GCW Data Portal).
CryoNet Asia Workshops 2016, Salekhard, Russian Federation Feb 2017, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan 2016 Workshop Outcome Engagements Significant interest: regional working group established. Observational Gap for over 4000 m a.s.l.: minimum 15 new stations (automatic): meteorological and cryosphere measurements. Data and metadata via satellite transmission. Existing capacity: potential candidate stations (various capabilities) Nepal, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, China, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russian Federation; UNESCO University of Idaho, NOAA; Chinese Academy of Science; CMA Mountain Research Initiative, PERMOS: Switzerland; National Research Council of Italy; Nagoya University (Japan); Finish Meteorological Institute; EMETSAT World Bank PERMOS: Swiss permafrost monitoring network
Global Precipitation Climatology Centre GCW partners: Collaboration and cooperation with partners is essential to successfully conduct GCW activities at the international, regional and national levels. Partners include, but not limited to: Global Precipitation Climatology Centre
GCW sponsors: