Identity Theft Austin Tyler Ramsey
Ways Info is Obtained Most people don’t realize how easy it is for someone to obtain their information They may watch from a nearby location as you put your information in. They may listen to you when you give your card info away to a hotel or a car rental company. Some people engage in dumpster diving, they can obtain info from your checks, credit card, or bank statement
Probable Fines Theft of personal info with intent to use it as an unlawful act may result in a 250, 000 dollar fine
Punishment An identity thief who steals up to 1 million dollars and has no previous criminal record, is likely to receive a prison sentence of less than five years. Another two years may be tacked on The identity theft enhancement act may add two years to the sentence Obtaining another persons info with intent to use it in an unlawful act may result in up to 15 years in prison
How to protect yourself against identity theft Monitor your credit closely Shield machines when you put your info in so that people can’t see what you put in When you go to pay for something keep your wallet in your hands, do not set it down. Do not give information on a suspicious website Only give your information on a website if the website is safe