Hampton ELL Parent Club Meeting March 6, 2015
Guest Speaker: Elzbieta Dykas Owner of Herbal Secrets - A Natural Pharmacy 2910 E. Maple, Troy, MI 48083 * (248) 941-6943 Website: www.herbalsecrets.my90forlife.com
M-Step Testing Begins April 13 The M-Step is replacing the MEAP test It is the State of Michigan’s MANDATORY test Taken by students in Grades 3, 4 and 5 Grade 3 - English language arts (reading, writing and listening) and mathematics Grade 4 - English language arts, mathematics and SCIENCE Grade 5 - English language arts, mathematics and SOCIAL STUDIES It will be taken on computers Schedule - Please DO NOT plan any travel
Hampton Spirit Fridays in March March 6th - Popcorn Sale Cost per bag: $1.00 Order form in Classroom Meets guidelines for quantity and ingredient March 13th - Hampton Wear March 20th – Pajama Day March 27th - Bagel Sale Cost per bagel: $1.00 Meets guidelines for quantity and ingredient label
Hampton Spirit Fridays in April April 17th - Popcorn Sale Cost per bag: $1.00 Order form in Classroom Meets guidelines for quantity and ingredient April 24th – Dress Like a Book Character Day
Raffle Baskets Hampton’s Family Togetherness Annual Dinner is March 26 Each classroom creates a theme filled basket for the raffle. If you would like to volunteer to coordinate your class basket please let your teacher know. There will be vendor donations for the raffle (including: Goldfish, I9, Michigan Youth Flag Football, Tickets for African Wildlife Safari in OH, 52 Cards and 4 –1 day park hoppers to Disney!) Each card costs $20 and you have 1 out of 52 chances to win! There are baskets/themes assigned to your child’s classroom along with some ideas for the basket (but please feel free to come up with other ideas.) Please have your class baskets ready by Thursday, March 19th. We will also need a list from you of what items were donated for your basket.
April 2nd – End of 3rd Marking Period Hampton’s Family Togetherness Annual Dinner – March 26 April 2nd – End of 3rd Marking Period Spring Break - No School Friday, April 3rd –Sunday, April 12 Parent/ Teacher Evening Conferences April 15 and April 23
Reading At Home Pick books that are at the right level Help your child pick books that are not too difficult. If you are unsure, talk to your child’s teacher or the librarian at the Rochester Library. The aim is to give your child lots of successful reading experiences. Don't leave home without it Bring along a book or magazine any time your child has to wait, such as at a doctor's office. Always try to fit in reading! Listen to books Check out books on tape/CD from the library and listen to them in the car together. Talk about the story when you get out of the car. Once is not enough Encourage your child to re-read favorite books and poems. Re-reading helps kids read more quickly and accurately. Dig deeper into the story Ask your child questions about the story you've just read. Say something like, "Why do you think Clifford did that?"
Reading At Home Take control of the television It's difficult for reading to compete with TV and video games. Encourage reading as a free-time activity. Students should read EVERYDAY! Be patient When your child is trying to sound out an unfamiliar word, give him or her time to do so. Remind to child to look closely at the first letter or letters of the word. One more time with feeling When your child has sounded out an unfamiliar word, have him or her re-read that sentence. Often kids are so busy figuring out a word they lose the meaning of what they've just read. You can even record your child reading a passage and have them critique if their reading is fluent or choppy. Make books special Turn reading into something special. Take your kids to the library, help them get their own library card, read with them, and buy them books and magazine subscriptions as gifts. Have a favorite place for books in your home or, even better, put books everywhere. Get them to read another one Find ways to encourage your child to pick up another book. Introduce him or her to a series like The Boxcar Children or Harry Potter or to a second book by a favorite author, or ask the librarian for additional suggestions.
Reading At Home Crack open the dictionary Encourage your child to talk about new words and what them mean. Let your child see you use a dictionary. Say, "Hmm, I'm not sure what that word means... I think I'll look it up.“ Talk about what you see and do Talk about everyday activities to build your child's background knowledge, which is crucial to listening and reading comprehension. Keep up a running patter, for example, while cooking together, visiting somewhere new, or after watching a TV show. Different strokes for different folks Read different types of books to expose your child to different types of writing. Some kids, especially boys, prefer nonfiction books. Do your homework Read the books your child is assigned to read at school. It will help you talk to them about the story and ask meaningful questions. Play word games Games such as Hangman, Scrabble, Boggle, Upwards, Apples to Apples, Bananagrams and Scattergories are fun and will help your child learn new words.
Parent Center Upcoming Classes Computer Class March 10, 17, 24, 31– 1-2:15pm On-going Book Club March 11, 18, 25 - 10 am Knitting Club March 12, 19, 26 – 1pm Flower Arranging Class April 2 (minimum of 5 participants) NEW!!! Homework Help (Parent AND Child) Every Thursday 3:15-4:15 pm Please check the website and your email for information as classes are added.
Flower Arranging Class Join us for an afternoon of flowers and fun! Price: $18.00 (except for the candle)-Please bring in your $18.00 to the Parent Center by 3/13 to reserve your spot. Date & Time: Thursday, April 2nd at 1:00pm Location: Hampton Elementary (room #28) 530 Hampton Circle Rochester Hills, MI 48307 Call 248-726-3708 or email ktate@rochester.k12.mi.us or ajanicke@rochester.k12.mi.us to register by 3/13/15. Minimum 5 people needed, maximum 8 people allowed.
After School Family Homework Help Every Thursday from 3:15 – 4:15 PM. In room 28 (Parent Liaison Center). Hampton Elementary School. From March 12th to May 29th. Come with your children and help them do their homework. If you have any questions, please contact us at the Parent Liaison Center (248) 726- 3708 ajanike@rochester.k12.mi.us and ktate@rochester.k12.mi.us
ESL Newsletter http://www. rochester. k12. mi
Next Parent Club… May 1, 2015