SAUL PURSUES DAVID 1 Samuel 23: 1-29
MEM.VERSE: 1 SAMUEL 23:14 MEMORY VERSE: “And David abode in the wilderness in strong holds, and remained in a mountain in the wilderness of Ziph. And Saul sought him everyday, but God delivered him not into his hand.
INTRODUCTION .David killed Goliath in the battle and also won many battles that makes him to become popular. Despite all his achievement and success, he was not arrogance, he remained humble, dutiful and obedient to king in whatever assignment he was given. .Saul full of anger and envy David’s success. Afraid of David taken over the throne, secretly planned to destroy David and tried many times but not succeed. .Saul attacked him openly with a javelin, even cunningly exposed him to enemy’s attack, but all his attempt to kill him failed. .God loves David as he loves all righteous boys and girls and delivered him from all the evil plans of king Saul. .So as you continue to live a holy life as friend of Jesus, God will deliver you from all your enemies.
1.DAVID’S TRIAL AND TRUST IN gOD: .Despite that king Saul pursuing David he relent not in defending God’s people from their enemies. .David heard about the Philistines who robbed, killed and destroyed Keilah’s and harvested their crops, prayed to God and he was told to go and deliver the people of Keilah and he was given victory over the Philistines. .King Saul heard about David in Keilah was happy with the thought of killing David there because the city was fenced, God revealed it to David and he escaped again with his men.
POINT 1. CONTINUED. LESSONS LEARN FROM DAVID’S EXPERIENCE: .Always ready to help despite your trials. .Trust God at all times and let him direct you. .No matter how powerful enemies might be God has power to protect and deliver his children. .Always think like Jesus for God knew every secret intension of heart. .Never plan to revenge, trust in God.
David with several evidences that Saul wanted to kill him, decided to escape for Keilah went and hid himself in the wood in the wilderness of Ziph. Jonathan sought for David, encourage, comfort and strengthened him. Jonathan assured him that his father would not be able to kill him. He expressed his loyalty to David and even preferred him been king instead of him. He was loyal and loving. He was a devoted and true friend. Likewise Jesus is our loving compassionate friend. -He cares and concerned about our life. -He came to the world to seek and save us from sin and death. Will you now respond to His love, by turning away from all your sins. Allow Him into your heart and let Him be your savior and friend.
Saul had a deep jealousy and hatred for David and sought to kill him, which now became his pursuit. He forsook God’s given role as king of Israel. Keilah’s people also planned to delivered him to Saul. God answered David’s prayer and delivered him from the will of Saul his enemy. He shall answer your prayer too when you call on Him.
CONCLUSION Is there any one like Saul in your street, Community, School or home threatens and makes you to be afraid ? Do not forget that Jesus has power over every power that troubles you. He will defeat every Goliath and Saul in your life Just follow the example of Jonathan who remained loyal to David to the end . If God be for you ,no one can be against you.
QUESTIONS 1.Why did Saul seek to kill David? 2.Whatever takes the whole of your time and hinders you from serving God is your pursuit. Yes/No? 3. Mention three lessons that you have learnt from David’s experience at Keila. 4. (a) Jonathan was________and___________ friend. (b) Friends of Jesus are to be loyal to Christ so as to be protected and preserved. Yes/No? 5. How can a sinner become a friend of Jesus?
LESSON: THOUGHT: HOMEWORK: God will always defend and help His own children. THOUGHT: I will remain a child of God so as to be protected. HOMEWORK: Pray for those who hate you, so that God will touch their heart and change them to become His friends.
RefErences: 44F_uT39E60/UdFl3QfaYXI/AAAAAAAAC2M/Exbze2fVRfg/s480/thCAAE02N0.jpg jonathan.jpg ouneedhelp-image-001.jpg