Maneuvering AMONG PEOPLE OF DIFFERENT FAITHs Session 2 2012 Chaplain Development Conference SWBTS
Faith in the Workplace The First Amendment protects Government employees’ exercise of their personal faith in the workplace “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech…”
Faith and Diversity *Guidelines On Religious Exercise and Religious Expression in the Federal Workplace (The White House, Aug 1997) *Managed By Diversity Office --"Diversity includes all characteristics and experiences that define each of us as individuals.”
Diversity Talking Points (Army) Our diversity enhances our ability to lead people and maintain operations around the world. As demographics change, we must recruit the best of America’s talent across all segments of the population. Our Army consists of men and women of different backgrounds, cultures, ideas, and beliefs. Our nation’s strength stems from its diversity. As leaders, we must strengthen the knowledge and understanding of individuals. We must be inclusive leaders.
Religion: Diversity’s Missing Link Diversity talks include gender, race, age, disability/ability, sexual orientation Why the avoidance on religion and faith? -- inappropriate for the workplace (a private matter) -- non-rational subject (primitive); no place in the post-modern workplace? -- no background to teach it --opposition to spirituality and religion, although the former is less threatening ILL – Comprehensive Soldier Fitness
The Rise of Religious Diversity The United States is “the most religiously diverse nation in the world” (Diana Eck, A New Religious America) 4-5 Americans profess Christianity Over 90% of Soldiers are “Christian” Why the diversity increase? --July 4, 1965, immigration and Naturalization Act --today’s unprotected borders?
Diversity- “A Complicated Presence” An “unresolved tension” of religion created by the Founding Fathers As diversity increases, commonality of religious beliefs, practices decreases The solution? --a “respectful pluralism” 1) Human beings possess dignity 2) All human beings deserve respect 3) Equal dignity and respect to all
Diversity Questions What conditions must be operative in the workplace to guarantee religious respect for all? What does a moral commitment to freedom of religion look like within the institution? How free and welcome are our people to express themselves religiously? How am I (chaplain) involved in support of religious diversity?
Religious Freedom Test The presumption of inclusion --institutions should allow employees to freely express themselves culturally, religiously, and spiritually, subject to the following limitations: 1. Non-degradation of others 2. Non-coercive 3. Non-establishment
Managing Religious Diversity Potential of conflict, but good leaders manage conflict and tension Requires a compelling vision Chaplains serve as advisors on religion, morals, and morale to their institution/chain of command Ministry of presence ensures a respectful workplace
A Vision For Religious Diversity Clash of civilizations This is a Judeo-Christian nation Secularism Spirituality Communalism The crossroads (Douglas Hicks, With God on All Sides: Leadership in a Devout and Diverse America