People who helped shape our constitution
Our Founding Fathers Our Founding Fathers took many of the ideas of past philosophers into account while creating our Constitution Many of the ideas were not necessarily taken directly from past philosophers, but their ideas did help shape our constitution
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Wrote a book titled, Leviathan Human beings are born in a “state of nature”, but with constant conflict No laws preventing killing or harming one another Peace can only be obtained by forming a social contract Formed by fear Head of the “government” can punish those who break the contract Men are born evil
RevieW What is a government formed and founded by fear like? Do we have that kind of government? Do we think that people are born evil?
John locke (1634-1704) Believes in a, “state of nature”, but men are not always evil Government exists to protect the rights of men When government breaks the, “social contract” people can form another one God gave man ability to reason, governments exist for moral order
review What is the difference between Hobbes and Locke? What is a social contract?
Montesquieu (1689-1755) The Spirit of the Laws One power in government is bad Believes in separating powers to ensure one person does not get all the power Believes in the idea of democracy People have power in their laws and government Warns against too much or too little power Everything (living) has laws
Review What does it mean “people have power?” What is “separation of powers?”
Rousseau (1712-1778) Social Contract (book) “Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains”. The only way to keep government in check is through a written work (Constitution) All citizens of the government must agree to this social contract Helped spread revolution in France
Review What does Rousseau’s quote mean? What is a constitution?
Voltaire (1694-1778) Believed in a separation between church and state Attacked the Catholic church Believed in freedom of Religion and speech
review What does “separation of church and state” mean? What is freedom of religion and speech?
English bill of rights (1689) Limited the powers of the monarch (king) Gives Parliament certain rights and abilities (Congress) Gave citizens rights Prohibited cruel and unusual punishment King James II Trial by Jury The crown had to seek, “consent” from the people
Review What is cruel and unusual punishment? What does “consent” mean?
Mayflower Compact Written on November 11th, 1620 Signed by 41 English colonists on the ship Mayflower It was the first written framework of government established in what is now the U.S. It was designed to prevent and stop disagreements and conflict amongst the Puritans
Review What kind of conflict could this prevent? What is a framework?