Do Now Which was the most important effect of the Constitution? Individual rights? Government organization? Economic power? Please explain your answer in one or two sentences.
Do Now_test prep Analyzing a quotation: “We have errors to correct; we have probably had too good an opinion of human nature in forming our confederation. Experience has taught us, that men will not adopt and carry into execution measures the best calculated for their own good, without the intervention of a coercive power. I do not conceive we can exist long as a nation without having lodged some where a power, which will pervade the whole Union in as energetic a manner, as the authority of the State Governments extends over the several States.” George Washington to John Jay in 1786
Test prep Brainstorm Outline (rule of three) 1 2 3
Question about the quotation. Identify George Washington’s concerns in his statement to John Jay. By whom was Washington likely influenced? What did Washington want to accomplish for his new nation? What issues do you see for the new nation? How did the Constitution ultimately address many of the issues raised here by Washington? In your answer, you must include THREE direct quotations. You must denote quotations two ways. First, you must put quotation marks around them. Second, you must underline them. You will have Our Documents at your disposal during the test. On the test, you will have two questions similar to this one.
How did the Founding Fathers design the Constitution so it would bring economic strength to the young United States? The members of the Constitutional Convention gave the central “federal” government the power to tax. “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes…” Article I, Section 8. The nation could now pay off debts owed to foreign nations. (America borrowed from France, Spain and Netherlands to fight the Revolutionary War.) Now that America could re-pay its current debts, it could borrow more money in the future. It could also pay for an army and navy.
How did the Founding Fathers design the Constitution so it would bring economic strength to the young United States? The members of the Constitutional Convention gave the central government the power to “regulate…Commerce…among the several States.” Article I, Section 8. Arguments among states would be resolved by the federal government. Trade among the states could grow.
How did the Founding Fathers design the Constitution so it would bring economic strength to the young United States? The members of the Constitutional Convention forbade states from interfering with contracts. “No State shall …pass any …Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts….” Article I, Section 10.
How did the Founding Fathers design the Constitution so it would bring economic strength to the young United States? The Founding Fathers wanted to ensure that the government could not simply take property without paying a fair price to the citizen owner of that property. Fifth Amendment: “nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”
How did the Founding Fathers design the Constitution so it would bring economic strength to the young United States? Nation could borrow in the future and pay for military. States could not argue with each other. States could not interfere with contracts. Government could not take property unfairly. Test question
Other significant clauses in the Constitution. “Advice and consent” Article II, Section 2. The president will make significant decisions (treaties, appointments) with advice from, and the consent of, the Senate. The Federal system is the supreme system of the nation. Article VI. The Constitution and the federal laws made by the federal legislative branch constitute the supreme law of the land. Judicial review was created by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall in 1803. You will not find this in the Constitution itself.