The Enlightenment
The origins of the enlightenment 18th C.- Americans become attracted to a literary, philosophical movement in Europe The Enlightenment Leaders of this movement believed humanity’s problems could be solved through reason/logic Not superstition, rituals, etc. etc.
Enlightenment thought Enlightenment at its peak in mid 18th century Most Enlightenment thinkers were Diests Believed in God who had established the universe, but that divine intervention in human affairs was minimal Believed in rationalism, reason, and science to solve problems of life and society
John Locke Considered one of the single greatest influences of the Enlightenment Two Treatises of Government Govt. is supreme, but bound to follow “natural” rights human beings have Sovereignty resides with the people Citizens can revolt against a govt. that fails to protect their rights
Thomas hobbes Saw humans as naturally selfish and violent Without govt., people lived in a state of nature Had a right to everything, but would always have to fight to have it Impossible to have a productive society
The Leviathan Written by Hobbes during the English Civil War Argued a strong central govt. was the only way to avoid war/chaos Believed one ruler should have total power
A social Contract Hobbes among the first to discuss the importance of a social contract Citizens agree to give up a few rights and powers in return for peace and protection They also lost their right to protest or overthrow a govt.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Believed govt.’s purpose is to protect freedom and help people get along Democracy was the best form of govt. (preferred direct democracy) The Social Contract (1762) Govt. is based on a contract between individuals and society People agree to give up some rights in exchange for what’s best for the general will Can’t abuse/violate other’s rights Govt. must rule by majority will
Baron de Montesquieu Ideas guided Founding Fathers when they wrote the Constitution People still cite his ideas today Believed liberty is defined as peace of mind from being safe vs. doing whatever you want Can only exist if people follow laws that govt. provides
Baron de montesquieu Admired how English govt. was separated into three parts- called this a separation of powers Monarch, Parliament, Courts Believed all branches of govt. should be equal- give them the ability to LIMIT the powers of the other branches A system of checks and balances James Madison liked this idea so much he included it in the U.S. Constitution What are our three branches of govt. in the U.S.?