How to add a fix procedure for copy cataloging from a Z39.50 base Yoel Kortick
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Introduction Slides 4 to 15 will show an automatic fix procedure which adds the format to records which are copy-catalogued from the Library of Congress Slides 16 to 26 will show an automatic fix procedure which does the above and also deletes certain fields from records which are copy-catalogued from the Library of Congress
Why do we need the fix procedure - 1 Here we search for a record in the library of Congress which is set up as a Z39.50 base
Why do we need the fix procedure - 2 After clicking “show” in the lower pane the record appears We will now click “Catalog” in the upper pane or “Cataloging” in the lower pane There is no FMT field here
Why do we need the fix procedure - 3 When record appears in cataloging edit mode we will choose “duplicate record”.
Why do we need the fix procedure - 4 The format of the duplicated record is XX. We therefore need to manually change it. Instead we will make a fix procedure which will automatically make it BK
Why do we need the fix procedure - 5 Even after saving the record it remains XX
Making the fix procedure We will add a fix procedure to $alephe_gate/loc.conf which will add the FMT field based on the contents of the LDR field of the record. aleph113-19(1) USM01-ALEPH>>cd $alephe_gate aleph113-19(1) USM01-ALEPH>>diff loc.conf loc.conf.orig 23c23 < Z58-IN-RECORD-FIX FMT --- > Z58-IN-RECORD-FIX We have defined that the fix procedure used by loc.conf (loc.conf is the definitions for Library of Congress) is FMT. We could have called it anything, as long as we put it in tab_fix as it appears in loc.conf.
Making the fix procedure We will add the FMT fix procedure to $data_tab/tab_fix of the EXT01 library EXT01 is the library used for all Z39.50 connections which use USMARC ! 1 2 3 !!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> FMT fix_doc_create_fmt The next slide will explain what fix_doc_create_fmt does. To get new definitions we restart PC server and Z39 gate server
Making the fix procedure From the “Aleph 20 Syslib Guide – Cataloging”: fix_doc_create_fmt This program, according to the definitions of the LDR field, adds the FMT field with the record format (for example, BK for books). The program can be used to add the FMT field to records imported through the Z39.50 server that do not have the FMT field. If the field is present, the program does nothing.
Searching again the LOC via Z39.50 Now we will again search and view catalog records from Z39.50 and see that they already have a FMT field (unlike before the fix procedure) Compare with slide 5 where there is no FMT field for the same record
Searching again the LOC via Z39.50 This record has FMT with SE based on LDR field
Copy cataloging a record When we click “Cataloging” the record appears in cataloging edit mode with the correct format
Copy cataloging a record We can then duplicate the record and save it in our library without manually changing the record
Another fix procedure We will now make another fix procedure which will do the same as the previous fix procedure but also delete fields 906, 925 and 955. These fields will be deleted automatically as the record comes from the Library of Congress top the Aleph 500 GUI.
Why do we need the fix procedure - 1 Here we search for a record in the library of Congress which is set up as a Z39.50 base We search for “libraries and ancient and Timbuktu”
Why do we need the fix procedure - 2 After clicking “show” in the lower pane the record appears We will now click “Catalog” in the upper pane or “Cataloging” in the lower pane See fields 906, 9250 and 955
Why do we need the fix procedure - 3 When record appears in cataloging edit mode we will choose “duplicate record”. We do not want these fields
Why do we need the fix procedure - 4 The record now has the undesired 906, 925 and 955 fields after duplicating to USM01. Now we need to manually delete them
Why do we need the fix procedure - 5 We want a fix procedure which will not only add the FMT field (as in the previous slides) but also delete fields. In this case we want it to delete the 906, 925 and 955 fields.
Making the fix procedure We will add a fix procedure to $alephe_gate/loc.conf which will add the FMT field based on the contents of the LDR field of the record and delete other fields. yoelk@il-aleph07(a20_3):...alephe/gate>cd $alephe_gate yoelk@il-aleph07(a20_3):...alephe/gate>diff loc.conf loc.conf.orig 23c23 < Z58-IN-RECORD-FIX FMTDL --- > Z58-IN-RECORD-FIX We have defined that the fix procedure used by loc.conf (loc.conf is the definitions for Library of Congress) is FMTDL We could have called it anything, as long as we put it in tab_fix as it appears in loc.conf. We called it FMTDL because it sounds a bit like “Format” and “Delete”.
Making the fix procedure We will add the FMTDL fix procedure to $data_tab/tab_fix of the EXT01 library EXT01 (we already explained) is the library used for all Z39.50 connections which use USMARC ! 1 2 3 !!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> FMTDL fix_doc_create_fmt FMTDL fix_doc_do_file_08 del906925955 We already explained what fix_doc_create_fmt does. Let’s see the del906925955 fix procedure in ext01 $data_tab/import
Making the fix procedure Here is ext01 $data_tab/import/del906925955 ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 !-!!!!!-!!-!-!!!-!!!-!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 906## DELETE-FIELD 1 925## DELETE-FIELD 1 955## DELETE-FIELD For more information on home made fix procedures see the following two files on the Doc Portal under Aleph > Tree Search > How to from support > Miscellaneous How_to_make_home_made_fix_procedures_parameters.ppt How_to_make_home_made_fix_procedures_examples.ppt
Searching again the LOC via Z39.50 Now we will again search and view catalog records from Z39.50 and see that they already have a FMT field (unlike before the fix procedure) and the 906, 925 and 955 fields are gone We of course also restart the z39 gate server via util W 3 5 Compare with slide 17 and see that now the fields 906, 9250 and 955 are gone
Searching again the LOC via Z39.50 This record has FMT with BK based on LDR field and the 906, 925 and 955 fields are automatically deleted.
Copy cataloging a record We can then duplicate the record and save it in our library without manually changing the record Fields 906, 9250 and 955 are gone