Update of Te Whāriki update


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Presentation transcript:

Update of Te Whāriki update Nancy Bell Director Early Learning, Early Learning and Student Achievement

Direction of travel Better learning information Early learning services join CoL to raise achievement Update Te Whāriki Resources supporting implementation Professional learning and development

About the update In Scope Out of Scope updating the context of early learning strengthening advice on curriculum implementation reviewing learning outcomes creating links between Te Whāriki and the New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa Out of Scope Te Whāriki’s bicultural structure, principles, strands and goals will not change.

The writing team Dr. Lesley Rameka – University of Waikato Brenda Soutar – Mana Tamariki Te Kōhanga Reo Prof. Claire McLachlan – University of Waikato Keri Pewhairangi – Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Assoc Prof. Helen Hedges- University of Auckland Assoc Prof. Sally Peters – University of Waikato Lealofi Kupa – He Whānau Manaaki Kindergartens Ian Reid – Managing Editor

Timeline Writers appointed Draft completed Final version August Writers appointed September Draft completed October Final version November Supporting resources December Report to Minister 2017 Roll out

weaving our curriculum whāriki Where are we up to? He Raranga weaving our curriculum whāriki Additional resources

Te Whāriki Context (ECE, Aotearoa NZ, theoretical) “Part B” Principles and strands Goals and learning outcomes Infants, Toddlers, young children Starting school Links to New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

? Questions “The story” – the purpose of the curriculum? “Big ideas” about NZ childhood – what do we want for our children and young people? How and in the future? Theoretical and contextual positioning Practice guidelines (teaching and assessment) Learning outcomes

He Raranga – weaving our curriculum whāriki Making learning visible through the whāriki (assessment) Weaving learning pathways through the whāriki (transitions and connections to The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa) Reflecting on the whāriki: internal evaluation and inquiry A Whāriki that includes everyone (learning support). Weaving the whāriki: introduction Weaving the curriculum for Aotearoa: language, culture and identity Weaving the curriculum with parents and whānau Where do I start with the whāriki? (setting priorities for children’s learning)

Additional resources – existing and new Existing resources Kei Tua o te Pae ERO best practice guidelines A small number resources already exist to support the implementation of the early childhood curriculum Potential future resources Oral language and early literacy Managing self, empathy and perspective-taking Quality practice for under two year olds Strengthening bi-cultural practice Teaching children with additional languages Māori medium resources

Next Steps Draft tested with users (ECAC, teachers and educators) and reviewed by original writing team (October) Professional learning development options identified Te Whāriki to Minister with implementation plan (October) Launch – December Rollout - 2017