Partnership Annual Conference (PAC) Ninth Conference Berlin, Germany 30 October 2012 OSH-TG input Goal 10 PAC 9/7.1 Progress and future steps towards implementing the NDPHS goals and mid-term operational targets
Partnership Annual Conference (PAC) Ninth Conference Berlin, Germany 30 October 2012 IMHAP-TG input Goal 11 PAC 9/7.1 Progress and future steps towards implementing the NDPHS goals and mid-term operational targets
Partnership Annual Conference (PAC) Ninth Conference Berlin, Germany 30 October 2012 NCD-EG input Goal 12 PAC 9/7.1 Progress and future steps towards implementing the NDPHS goals and mid-term operational targets
NDPHS goals, operational targets and indicators specifically relevant for NCD-EG [new NCD-related Goal 12 approved at PAC-8 25 November 2011] [in line with EU Strategy for theBaltic Sea Region] Goal 12: The impact of all main causes / risk-factors of lifestyle related NCDs in the ND countries are addressed (in addition to alcohol and tobacco targeted through Goals 7-9): overweight, low fruit and vegetable intake, trans fat avoidance, high salt intake,insufficient vitamin-D intake, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, low physical activity (sedentary lifestyle), and factors related to mental health problems.
Goal 12 continued … NDPHS goals, operational targets and indicators specifically relevant for NCD-EG [new NCD-related Goal 12 approved at PAC-8 25 November 2011] Operational target 12.1: By 2012 the Partnership will have developed multi-country flagship projects involving at least 3 partnership countries on NCD prevention in cooperation with relevant actors: NCD Flagship-A project: Prevention of over-weight of schoolchildren (ages 7-15) in Northern Dimension geographical area; NCD Flagship-B project: Results! Effective and efficient implementation of national NCD prevention strategies in Northern Dimension geographical area. Indicator 12.1: Project application(s) submitted to financing agencies for funding. Operational target 12.2: By 2014 the above mentioned projects will have been launched and are well on their way being implemented in coordination with other international actors active in this thematic area, such as EU, WHO/EURO and ILO. Indicator(s) 12.2: Relevant indicator(s) developed by WHO and accepted by financing and implementing agencies will be used.
NCD-EG input Goal 12 SYNOPUS: Social Innovation and Physical Activity Promotion for Underserved Populations. Tentatively invited to participate in preparation in the 1st round of application: Germany, Lithuania, NDI (Finland) Thematic Report on ”Healthy Lifestyles – Corner Stone of Public Health : Why we need NCD Prevention and Control?”