CSR-19 Agenda item 8: NCD, OSH, IMHAP Brussels , 27-28.10.2011 Agenda item 8: NCD, OSH, IMHAP Implementation of NDPHS Strategy Goal 7-11
NDPHS Strategic Goals related to NCDs Thematic area 4: Lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases and good social and work environments Goal 7: The impact in the ND countries on society and individuals of hazardous and harmful use of alcohol and illicit drugs is reduced Goal 8: Pricing, access to and advertising of alcoholic beverages is changed to direction, which supports the reduction of hazardous and harmful use of alcohol Goal 9: Tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke is prevented and reduced in the ND area. Goal 10: The NDPHS Strategy on Health at Work is implemented in the ND area Goal 11: Public health and social well-being among indigenous peoples in the ND area is improved Goal 12: OTHER NCDs: Overweight, low fruit and vegetable intake, high salt-intake, insufficient vitamin-D intake, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, low physical inactivity (sedentary lifestyle), and factors causing mental health problems.
Call for projects in January 2011 by Delegation of the European Union to the Russian Federation to Non-State Actors and Local Authorities Programme for the Baltic Sea Region (within the framework of priorities of the Northern Dimension Project “Healthier People: Management of Change through Monitoring and Action” 2012-2014 Scope is € 250.000 focusing on Saint Petersburg selected rayons (Kalininsky ca. 800 000 inh.) The grant was successfully awarded 12 October 2011, and the project will be launced tentatively in January 2012. This project is expected to serve as a useful pilot for the full NCD Flagship-B project.
The report of the 1st Global Ministerial Conference on Healthy Lifestyles and Noncommunicable Diseases Control including the Moscow Declaration of the above mentioned Conference http://www.euro.who.int/moscow-declaration-ob-healthy-lifestyles-and-ncds Action plan for implementation of the European Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2012-2016 http://www.euro.who.int/ncd-actionplan European action plan to reduce the harmful use of alcohol 2012-2020 http://www.euro.who.int/en/who-we-are/governance Partnership Annual Conference side-event, Saint Petersburg 24 November 2011 “Healthy lifestyle - the corner stone of public healt” Partnership Annual Conference Saint Petersburg 25 November 2011 Endorsement NDPHS Action Statement for implementation of the European Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2012-2016 in Northern Dimension Partnership area Distribution of NDPHS NCD thematic paper on NCDs
Based on WHO, ILO and EU OSH strategies The Northern Dimension Partnership Annual Conference 2007 adopts the “Health at Work” Strategy a national occupational safety and health profile a national policy and programme development of occupational health services sectors and branches of highest risks audits of occupational safety and health targeted actions, for ex, transport sector region-wide sharing of experience information sharing; databases, BSN, ILO, WHO and EU OSHA review in 2011 Based on WHO, ILO and EU OSH strategies
From IMHAP *Buore beaivvi! in Sámi: *Hello! 11
Goal 11: Public health and social well-being among indigenous peoples in the ND area is improved Operational target 11.1: By 2010, the Partnership will have developed a work plan which will clearly specify steps to be taken towards: (i) improving mental health, (ii) preventing addictions, and (iii) promoting child development and family/community health among indigenous peoples. The work plan will be implemented by 2013. 12
together with Nordic Council of Ministers/ NCM Davai! (Даваи!) Let’s! Let’s agree on collaboration and an Action Plan! IMHAP-TG together with Nordic Council of Ministers/ NCM 13
The work plan was developed by the IMHAP TG The work plan was developed by the IMHAP TG. The following key activities are included in it: Best Practices for Indigenous people parenting and associated counseling skills; Development of common indicators for Indigenous mental health services; Telemedicine: how this can benefit and enhance Indigenous people’s mental health services; Producing fact sheets / diagnostic of mental health status (Sámi, Inuit, First Nations, others) with a focus on these priority areas. IMHAP Work Plan for 2011 (continued …) 14
Mikwêc* for your attention! in Wood-Cree: *Thank you! 15