PRESENTATION OUTLINE INTRODUCTION Structure of Atmosphere , Radio Frequency (RF) Bands Different types of Propagation Mechanism, Wave propagation Modes, Waves. VLF (3 – 30 KHz), LF (30 – 300 KHz), MF (0.3 – 3 MHz), HF (3 – 30 MHz) & VHF(30 – 300 MHz) Propagation. CONCLUSIONS References FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
OBJECTIVES To give insight of the propagation of radio waves. To create awareness about the different types of propagation of radio waves at different frequencies. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Introduction Need-Understanding radio wave propagation can mean the difference between making and missing a contact to a particular part of the world. Propagation: The science and study of radio wave reflection, refraction, diffraction, absorption, polarization, and scattering. Radio propagation is the behavior of radio waves when they are transmitted, or propagated from one point on the Earth to another, or into various parts of the atmosphere. Like light waves, radio waves are affected by the phenomena of reflection, refraction, diffraction, absorption, polarization, and scattering. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Structure of Atmosphere Ionosphere (80 - 720 km) Sky wave Mesosphere (50 - 80 km) Stratosphere (12 - 50 km) Space wave Ground wave Transmitter Receiver Troposphere (0 - 12 km) Earth
Radio Frequency (RF) Bands Classification Band Initials Frequency Range Characteristics Extremely low ELF < 300 Hz Ground wave Infra low ILF 300 Hz - 3 kHz Very low VLF 3 kHz - 30 kHz Low LF 30 kHz - 300 kHz Medium MF 300 kHz - 3 MHz Ground/Sky wave High HF 3 MHz - 30 MHz Sky wave Very high VHF 30 MHz - 300 MHz Space wave Ultra high UHF 300 MHz - 3 GHz Super high SHF 3 GHz - 30 GHz Extremely high EHF 30 GHz - 300 GHz Tremendously high THF 300 GHz - 3000 GHz
Propagation Mechanisms Reflection Propagation wave impinges on an object which is large as compared to wavelength. Ex- the surface of the Earth, buildings, walls, etc. Refraction A transition from one medium to another results in the bending of radio waves, just as it does with light Diffraction Radio path between transmitter and receiver obstructed by surface with sharp irregular edges. Waves bend around the obstacle, even when LOS (line of sight) does not exist. Scattering Objects smaller than the wavelength of the propagation wave. Ex- foliage, street signs, lamp posts.
Propagation Mechanisms Reflection Refraction Diffraction
Radio Propagation Effects Building Direct Signal Reflected Signal hb Diffracted Signal hm d Transmitter Receiver
Propagation Modes How Signals Travel? Ground-wave propagation Line-of-sight propagation Sky-wave propagation
Guided Waves Most VLF and LF propagation occurs via guided wave. The ground and the ionosphere are highly conductive at this range of frequencies, and they form the “walls” of a spherical waveguide. RF launched by a vertical antenna is trapped between the conductive shells formed by the ground and the ionosphere and is propagated over long distances. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Ground Waves In the HF region, the ground is a poor conductor and the ground wave is quickly attenuated by ground losses. Some ground wave communication is possible on 80m, but at frequencies above 5 MHz, the ground wave is irrelevant. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Ground Wave Propagation Follows contour of the earth Can propagate considerable distances Frequencies up to 2 MHz Example AM radio
Ground Waves – Range Chart 80m band FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Direct Waves Direct waves follow the line-of-sight (LOS) path between transmitter and receiver. In order for direct wave communication to occur, antennas at both ends of the path have to have low angles of radiation (so they can “see” each other). This is difficult to do on the lower bands, and as a result, direct wave communication is normally restricted to bands above 20m. Its range is determined by the height of both antennas and generally less than 20 miles. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Direct Waves – Path Geometry The distance over which two stations can communicate using direct waves is dependent on the height of the transmitting and receiving antennas: FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Sky Waves What is ionosphere? Sky waves are waves that leave the transmitting antenna in a straight line and are returned to the earth at a considerable distance by an electrically charged layer known as the ionosphere. Communication is possible throughout much of the day to almost anywhere in the world via sky wave. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Sky Wave Propagation Signal reflected from ionized layer of atmosphere back down to earth Signal can travel a number of hops, back and forth between ionosphere and earth’s surface Reflection effect caused by refraction Examples Amateur radio CB radio
Introduction - VLF and LF propagation The dominant factor in VLF(3 – 30 KHz) and LF(30– 300 KHz) propagation is the extremely large wavelength of the waves. l ~ 1 – 10 km (VLF) l ~ 0.1 – 1 km (LF) Wavelength is so large, horizontal antennas are not practical (imagine trying to construct a dipole 5km long that is 5km above ground) and only vertical polarization is used. Although amateurs in the US do not have an LF allocation, some European countries do, at 137 KHz. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Introduction - HF propagation The HF (3–30 MHz) region is the one of two regions of RF frequencies that consistently supports long distance propagation. The HF region includes: International broadcasting at on the 120, 90, 60, 49,41,31,25,19,16, and 13 meter bands. Amateur Radio Service operations on the 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, and 10 meter bands. Citizens’ Band operation on 11 meters (27 MHz) Point-to-point military and diplomatic communications FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Overview of HF Propagation Characteristics of HF radio propagation Propagation is possible over thousands of miles. It is highly variable. It has daily and seasonal variation, as well as a much longer 11 year cycle. HF radio waves may travel by any of the following modes: Ground Wave Direct Wave (line-of-sight) Sky Wave FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Created by ionization of the upper atmosphere by the sun. Ionosphere Created by ionization of the upper atmosphere by the sun. Electrically active as a result of the ionization. Bends and attenuates HF radio waves Above 200 MHz, the ionosphere becomes completely transparent Creates most propagation phenomena observed at HF, MF, LF and VLF frequencies. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Ionospheric Layers Consists of 4 highly ionized regions The D layer at a height of 38 – 55 mi The E layer at a height of 62 – 75 mi The F1 layer at a height of 125 –150 mi (winter) and 160 – 180 mi (summer) The F2 layer at a height of 150 – 180 mi (winter) and 240 – 260 mi (summer) The density of ionization is greatest in the F layers and least in the D layer. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Ionosphere Layer Formation Though created by solar radiation, it does not completely disappear shortly after sunset. The D and E layers disappear very quickly after sunset. The F1 and F2 layers do not disappear, but merge into a single F layer residing at a distance of 150 – 250 mi above the earth. Ions recombine much faster at lower altitudes. Recombination at altitudes of 200 mi is slow that the F layer lasts until dawn. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Ionosphere Profiles FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
D-Layer Extends from 38 – 55 miles’ altitude. Is created at sunrise, reaches maximum density at noon, and disappears by sunset. The D layer plays only a negative role in HF communications. It acts as an attenuator, absorbing the radio signals, rather than returning them to earth. The absorption is inversely proportional to the square of the frequency, severely restricting communications on the lower HF bands during daylight. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
E - layer Extends from 38 – 55 miles’ altitude. Is created at sunrise, reaches maximum density at noon, and disappears by sunset. It can return lower HF frequencies to the Earth, resulting in daytime short skip on the lower HF bands. It has very little effect on higher frequency HF radio waves, other than to change slightly their direction of travel. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
RF Refraction through the E-Layer
F Layers The F1 layer extends from 125 –150 mi (winter) and 160 – 180 mi (summer) The F2 layer extends from 150 – 180 mi (winter) and 240 260 mi (summer) The F layers are primarily responsible for long-haul HF communications. Because there is only F layer ionization throughout the hours of darkness, it is carries almost all nighttime communications over intercontinental distances. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Daily Propagation Effects Shortly after sunrise, the D and E layers are formed and the F layer splits into two parts. The D layer acts as a selective absorber, attenuating low frequency signals, making frequencies below 5 or 6 MHz useless during the day for DX work. The E and F1 layers increase steadily in intensity from sunrise to noon and then decreases thereafter. Short skip propagation via the E or F1 layers when the local time at the ionospheric refraction point is approximately noon. The MUF’s for the E and F1 layers are about 5 and 10 MHz respectively. The F2 layer is sufficiently ionized to HF radio waves and return them to earth. For MUF’s is above 5 - 6 MHz, long distance communications are possible. MUF’s falls below 5 MHz, the frequencies that can be returned by the F layer are completely attenuated by the D layer. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Seasonal Propagation Effects During the winter months, the atmosphere is colder and denser. The ionosphere moves closer to the earth increasing the electron density. During the Northern Hemisphere winter, the earth makes its closest approach to the sun, which increases the intensity of the UV radiation striking the ionosphere. Electron density during the northern hemisphere winter can be 5 times greater than summer’s. Winter MUF’s are approximately double summer’s. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Propagation Disturbances A solar flare is a plume of very hot gas ejected from the sun’s surface. rises through chromosphere into the corona, disturbing both regions. X-ray emission from the corona increases, which reaches Earth in less than 9 minutes. If they are intense enough, the ionosphere will become so dense that all HF signals are absorbed by it and worldwide HF communications are blacked out. Generally ionospheric disturbances affect the lowest HF bands most. Occasionally communications on 10m may be possible. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
VHF(30 – 300 MHz) Propagation Modes Every type of propagation is possible in the VHF range: Line of Sight (LOS) Tropospheric Propagation (tropo) Sporadic E Meteor Scatter Auroral Scattering Trans-equatorial F1 Ionospheric F2 LOS and tropo occur throughout the VHF range, while the other modes are most frequently observed below 150 MHz. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
LOS and Tropospheric Propagation Line of Sight LOS coverage is determined primarily by the height of the transmitting and receiving antennas For typical amateur 6 m stations LOS coverage is about 20 miles LOS propagation is unaffected by solar conditions. Tropospheric Propagation Tropospheric scatter-Variations in humidity of troposphere cause RF to be scattered over the horizon. Temperature inversions refract RF in VHF range back towards earth. Temperature inversions occur daily in the middle latitudes at sunrise and sunset. Communications are possible over a ranges up to 600 miles. Over the oceans, stable temperature inversions can create a duct, through which VHF can travel without significant loss up to 2500 miles. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
Tropospheric Ducting Tropospheric Scatter FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
CONCLUSIONS Created awareness about the different types of propagation of radio waves at different frequencies Brief overview of RF propagation. There have been many books written on this subject and a there are many computer resources available, particularly for propagation forecasting. The Radio Society of Great Britain has an interesting website devoted to propagation, www.keele.ac.uk/depts/por/psc.htm. FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
R.E.Collin,”Antennas and Radiowave Propagation”, Mc Graw Hill 1985. REFERENCES R.E.Collin,”Antennas and Radiowave Propagation”, Mc Graw Hill 1985. H.Sizun “Radio Wave Propagation for Telecommunication Applications”, First Indian Reprint, Springer Publications, 2007. http://arrlsc.org/ FDP-EC6602-AWP-U V-Propagation
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