How do we stop or slow down the problem of antimicrobial resistance?
Our goals for this unit! Use bacteria as model organisms to scientifically observe change in a population, and to understand how that change occurs, Assume the role of stakeholder in the problem of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria in order to understand the complexity of the problem, Use the scientific and stakeholder information to formulate a detailed solution to the problem.
In order to investigate how antimicrobial resistance (AMR) happens, we will grow several generations of harmless bacteria in the presence of an antibiotic.
E. coli genotype MM294 Originally isolated in the lab of Harvard biologist Mathew Mendelson Contains no plasmids We order from “the biology store” Is not pathogenic In fact, is ineffective at colonizing the human gut
Guidelines To reduce contamination and improve safety when working with bacteria Wash your hands at the start of a lab Disinfect* lab table with a wipe containing bleach Open petri dish only to add or remove bacteria Open lid as little as possible, never set lid on table, and close lid as soon as possible.
What’s the difference between using a disinfectant and using an antiseptic? What’s the difference between a sterile surface or piece of equipment vs. one that has been disinfected?
We will transfer bacteria with a sterile swab We will transfer bacteria with a sterile swab. If you touch it – it’s no longer sterile If you set it on the table – it’s no longer sterile. If you breathe on it or cough on it – it’s no longer sterile! When you are done using it, you will dispose of it in bleach solution.
While in the lab… Don’t eat Don’t drink (on lab days, water bottles will be kept in your packs or placed on the windowsill by the door) Don’t apply makeup Keep long hair pulled back Wear goggles and avoid touching your face
How to label a petri dish Write on the bottom, where the medium (and bacteria) are, NOT on the lid Label around the margin so you can see growth Write your team letter, period, E. coli, and lab day number pic
Lab Days On the first lab day, all group members work together to make their plate of bacteria containing antibiotic. On all subsequent days, your group will divide into “BLACK” and “GOLD” pairs. Some days, BLACK teams work with bacteria while GOLD teams conduct article research. Other days, GOLD teams work with bacteria while BLACK teams conduct research.
Your turn! Using sterile technique, can you obtain a (pretend) sterile swab use it to gently and completely cover the surface of a (pretend) sterile petri dish containing nutrient broth agar with… (pretend) bacteria culture?