Dr. Christian Pfleiderer (GIZ) Perspectives on Comprehensive Social Protection from German Development Cooperation Inter - agency Show and Tell Meeting 2011 05 May 2011 Dr. Christian Pfleiderer (GIZ)
Agenda What is comprehensive social protection? Dimensions of comprehensive social protection Beneficiaries of comprehensive social protection – who? Challenges of comprehensive social protection – what? Approaching comprehensive social protection – how? Examples of work Indonesia India Kenya 05 May 2011
Dimensions of comprehensive social protection Private Private Public Public Private Public State State State Community Community Community 05 May 2011
Beneficiaries of comprehensive social protection – who? Objectives Protecting the whole population of partner countries - especially the poor - against life risks and enable management of their occurrence through universal social protection coverage Ensuring the human right of social protection for every member of a society Supporting positive economic and political multiplier effects Guideline principles Supporting context driven development and tailor-made approaches Taking a systemic approach to integrate different instruments and institutions of social protection and connecting them with other measures, e. g. social services 05 May 2011
Challenges of comprehensive social protection – what? Health risks Illness and associated ruinous expenditure Accidents Epidemics Life cycle risks Old age Disability Incapacity for work Economic risks Unemployment Price shocks Natural and ecological risks Droughts, floods, storms 05 May 2011
Approaching comprehensive social protection – how? State level Collaboration with government institutions at the national and subnational level, e.g. ministries for labour, social affairs, health, finance, planning authorities Public level Collaboration with public authorities, e.g. public insurances, control and complaint authorities, regulatory institutions Private level Collaboration with private and market-based actors, e.g. commercial insurance and microfinance institutions and other social and economic stakeholders Community level Collaboration with local service providers and community-based institutions of social protection 05 May 2011
Areas of activity Who? What? How? 05 May 2011
Example of work: Indonesia (1/2) National Council for Social Protection (DJSN): Technical and organization capacity building for the DJSN to better fulfill its role as the national body in charge for developing regulations to implement Law No. 40, which stipulates comprehensive social protection for the whole population of Indonesia Consensus building amongst & ensuring participation of all relevant stakeholders regarding steps on how to implement the national law that stipulates universal social health protection by 2014 National Planning Authority (BAPPENAS): Technical advice for the medium to long term planning for a comprehensive and integrated system of social protection Establishing routines/mechanisms for inter-institutional coordination on specific aspects of social protection (e.g. social protection of informal workers) 05 May 2011
Example of work: Indonesia (2/2) National Team for Acceleration of Poverty Reduction in the office of the Vice-President: Technical advice and consensus building on a roadmap to implement improved and sustainably financed social health protection for people below the poverty line (JAMKESMAS) Ministry of Social Affairs (KEMENSOS): strengthening effectivity and efficiency of the program of conditional cash-tranfers to the poorest 26.05.2018
Example of work: India (1/2) Health Insurance for the Poor: Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY): state financed standardized health insuránce targeted at people below poverty line (BPL) building a business model for all stakeholders with built-in incentives ensuring participation of insurers, smart card agencies and hospitals in implementation further extension to people living BPL and also informal sector workers National Pension System (NPS)/ Janshree Bima Yojana (JBY): extending old age protection/ life insurance to informal sector workers building on implementation lessons via Joint Learning Platform and strengthening delivery agencies 05 May 2011
Example of work: India (2/2) Collaboration with Ministry of Labour and Employment and Department of Financial Services on central government level to enforce the Unorganised Workers Act and improve coherence among the different social protection schemes Providing capacity development to insurance companies (United India Insurance etc.) and regulatory institutions (PFRDA etc.) to improve their performance and focus on poverty reduction 05 May 2011
Example of work: Kenya German Development Cooperation works on health and health financing DfID: works on cash transfers; cofunds health financing support by GIZ ILO: works on Social Policy Framework World Bank: works on social programming 05 May 2011
Thank you for your attention for more information, please contact: christian.pfleiderer@giz.de 05 May 2011