Characterization By: Emily Powers
Cooperative with Plot Commercial fiction looks towards plot where literary writers rely more on characterization, however in a good story they work hand-in hand. Characterization- the art of creating and developing characters in a story
Commercial vs. Literary Commercial characters are unrealistically created often with favorable qualities including attractiveness, bravery, and good-heartedness. They are made to be liked by the reader. Literary characters have a blend of both “good” and “bad” qualities- jealousy, selfishness, sympathy, and compassion, for example- that model what real human nature is like. They have multiple dimensions and complexity the way real people are.
Presentation Direct Presentation is when a character is described straight-up whether another character talks about them or they are analyzed by the author. Used sparingly as to keep the interest. Indirect Presentation gives the author an opportunity to display actions and show qualities of the characters through their behaviors. The characters are dramatized to seem more believable. (3 principles; consistence, lifelike qualities, understandable motivation)
Flat vs. Round Flat characters are just as they sound; flat and pretty basic with only a couple apparent traits that don’t need a lot of explanation. Round characters however, have many “dimensions” that real people would have so they seem even more realistic.
The Stock Character Stock characters are flat characters that are basically walking clichés. They are stereotyped and easy to recognize and make assumptions about.(Ex. Mad scientist who performs fiendish experiments on living creatures; international spy w/ mysterious background)
Static and Developing Static characters are characters that do not go through much change throughout the story, they stay basically the same. Think of static energy. Developing characters however, have a distinct and obvious change somewhere along the lines, whether it concerns their perspective or entire personality. (This one is pretty self-explanatory.) Note that these developing characters may undergo an epiphany, or sudden realization of spiritual insight regarding the character’s situation within the story.
Thank you!