RAHUL KAVI Rahul.Kavi@mail.wvu.edu September 17, 2013 Day 9: Excel Chapter 6 RAHUL KAVI Rahul.Kavi@mail.wvu.edu September 17, 2013
Last class Freezing Rows and Columns Tables Sorting Filtering Total Row Conditional Formatting
Outlines/GRoups Groups allow you to hide raw data while you work with the calculations derived from that data You can group rows or columns Easily hide and unhide large chunks of data Data->Group
Group Subtotals Allows you to aggregate groups of data using one of several functions Sum Average Variance Standard Deviation Min/Max Count
Using group subtotals Sort the data by the group identifier Does not work on tables Data->Subtotal Select the sorted column for “At each change in:” Select your aggregation function Select which columns to subtotal
Pivot tables Insert->PivotTable Ensure the range is correct Select target location (new worksheet or existing worksheet)
Adding columns Click check mark to add column Automatically aggregates with SUM(), but you can choose a different function
Adjusting grouping Move the section number from the “Values” area to the “Row Labels” area Move “Section” above “Student” to group by sections Values can be rearranged to adjust the column order
Updating Pivot Tables PivotTables do not automatically update if you change the source data You can force a refresh via PivotTable Tools->Options->Refresh
Pivot table options Sorting Filters Click a cell in the column you would like to sort by, then PivotTable Tools->Options->Sort Filters Report Filters: drag the field to the “Report Filter” area, select desired values in B1 Group Filters: Select dropdown arrow on row or column labels, select desired values
Slicers Slicers provide quick buttons to filter the PivotTable PivotTable Tools->Options->Insert Slicer Select field you want buttons for
calculated Fields A calculated field is not found in the original data set PivotTable Tools->Options->Fields, Items, & Sets->Calculated Field
Pivot table formatting PivotTable Tools->Design Layouts Subtotals Grand Totals Compact/Outline/Tabular Styles
Pivot charts A PivotChart is a graphical representation of the PivotTable To create a PivotChart, click within the PivotTable then PivotTable Tools->Options->PivotChart Same chart types as usual Chart adjusts to match the PivotTable
Editing Pivot Charts PivotChart Tools->Design Allows you to choose a chart style and change chart type PivotChart Tools->Layout Allows you to change layout options PivotChart Tools->Format PivotChart Tools->Analyze
Specialized functions SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range) range specifies the range of cells you want to check against the criteria criteria specifies the condition you want to match sum_range specifies the range to sum that contains the data to sum AVERAGEIF(range, criteria, average_range) COUNTIF(range, criteria)
Multiple Criterion SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, criteria_range2, criteria2,…) AVERAGEIFS(average_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, criteria_range2, criteria2, …) COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, criteria_range2, criteria2, …)
Relative standing Rank PercentRank Quartile Percentile RANK.EQ: shared rank for ties RANK.AVG: average rank for ties PercentRank PERCENTRANK.INC: includes 0 and 1 PERCENTRANK.EXC: excludes 0 and 1 Quartile QUARTILE.INC: includes top and bottom values QUARTILE.EXC: excludes top and bottom values Percentile PERCENTILE.INC: includes the 0th and 100th percentiles PERCENTILE.EXC: excludes the 0th and 100th percentiles
Next Class Advanced Logical Functions Advanced Lookup Functions Data Filtering Financial Functions What-If Analysis