Downtown Bicycle Parking SOLUTIONS 2014 Director of Public Works Jonathon Goldman Chief Jennifer Tejada
Bicycle Tourism Ridership Numbers Bike ridership for Golden Gate Ferry: 2012: 18,763 2013: 22,519 (18.8% increase) Blue and Gold total passenger numbers: 2012: 278,360 2013: 303,713 (8% increase) Bicycle rental companies believe that we will continue to see an annual three to five percent increase in bicycle tourism.
Pedestrian/Cyclist Right of Way?
Steps Taken- To Date Traffic Enforcement –average 28 tickets/month Targeted enforcement pedestrian/red light violations Police Department and Public Works participate in Pedestrian/Bicycle Advisory Committee Police Department + Marin County Bicycle Coalition PD hosts Bicycle Safety Classes- Basic Street Skills Collaborate with other LE agencies to target hot spots PD and DPW work closely together
Steps Taken- To Date Bicycle Reservation System Part-time staff provided by Blazing Saddles 2 Full-time staff persons provided by Golden Gate Ferry company Ambassador Program I full-time staff person provided by Chamber of Commerce to staff the Kiosk Taxi staging area created on Anchor and Bay St Tour bus staging area created on Humboldt Option #5 -14 spaces in Lot 1 = bike parking
We’ve run out of room! The Issues Option #5 improvement on previous year August 2013 El Portal congested again with increase in visitors Ferry ridership. We’ve run out of room!
High Potential For Vehicle-Versus-Bicycle/Pedestrian Collisions
Measure to Address Safety Issues Pilot Traffic Safety Solutions
Temporary Closure of Tracy Way – Peak Rental Season Vastly expands bike parking – estimate 340 Helps limit risk of vehicle versus pedestrian/bike collisions. Removes bike parking from staging area and Bank of America. El Portal -2-way street. Limits time frame (7-11am) for commercial vehicle delivery Removes 5 metered spaces Creates drop off-pick up zone
Closure of Tracy Way –limit access to El Portal morning and evening. Positives Controlled environment Prevents bike/pedestrian vs vehicle collisions Negatives Limits time frame for commercial vehicle deliveries Limits vehicle access to the businesses Personnel needed to remove and re-install the barriers on a daily basis.
Close parking lane of Tracy and construct temporary bike parking zone Positives Least impact to vehicle traffic. Improves rider safety. Negatives Cost for barricades. Potential loss of parking revenue.
Utilize SMALL CAR parking spaces in Muni Lot 1 Positives Uses under-utilized parking spaces in Lot #1 Removes bike racks from staging area Negatives Some loss of parking revenue Location is some distance away from the ferry landing
Utilize portion of Tracy-fronting parking spaces in Lot 1 Positives Removes bike racks from staging area Increases bike parking Negatives Some loss of parking revenue Need to create new spaces for vehicles with disable person placards/plates
Staff Recommendations Closure of Tracy Way - Peak Rental Season. Rationale: Closure of Tracy Way and/or El Portal could become highly controversial. This option can be implemented quickly and at a reasonable cost. Gives Staff the ability to indentify unanticipated positive and negative aspects of moving bike parking away from the staging area. This information can be used for long-term strategies for bike parking and bike staging.
Temporary Closure of Tracy Way – Peak Rental Season Vastly expands bike parking – estimate 340 Helps limit risk of vehicle versus pedestrian/bike collisions. Removes bike parking from staging area and Bank of America. El Portal -2-way street. Limits time frame (7-11am) for commercial vehicle delivery Removes 5 metered spaces Creates drop off-pick up zone