RDA WG on-farm data sharing IGAD / Barcelona


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Presentation transcript:

RDA WG on-farm data sharing IGAD / 04-04-2017 Barcelona

On Farm Data Sharing WG https://www.rd-alliance.org/groups/farm-data-sharing-ofds-wg

Farmers have the capability as they have never had before to critically evaluate management practices using field-scale replicated strip trials. Farmers have gained this powerful capability because yield monitors on combines enable accurate measurement of yields. Networks of farmers have become increasingly common to exploit the potential of yield monitors to evaluate management practices at the field level. Networks of farmers have also become increasingly common because farmers understand the power of evaluating management practices across many fields. Collection of results from strip trials across many fields requires protocols for data stewardship, that is, for data reporting, sharing and archiving. All farmer networks have developed data stewardship protocols. The protocols, however, vary from network to network, and the protocols are not easily accessible to people outside the networks. Creation of a standardized set of protocols for data stewardship that are publicly available would promote the formation of new farmer networks. More importantly, the creation of standardized protocols, especially for confidentiality and sharing of data, would enable the combining of results from many networks into one secure database. A combined database would facilitate analyses across space and time that would provide much more useful and robust answers to many applied questions about crop production practices, which would increase profitability and decrease environmental pollution caused by food production.

Cultural Education FARMER DATA Technological Science Research

FARMERS: SMALL & AGRIBUSINESS Cultural Education FARMERS: SMALL & AGRIBUSINESS DATA Telephone /Smartphone Sensors on Agric equipment Provider and user of information Technological Science Research

Cultural Education Life cycle: Data quality, Data infrastructure, formats, standards & protocols Archives, Access, FAIR Availability & Provenance, Stewardship FARMER 1/ DATA On farm & Contextual (climate..) Technological Big-data sharing / data privacy, Property rights Law, confidentiality governance Science Research

Cultural Education Policy makers Data for Guidance: Policy Decision & planning Coordination Evidence- based approaches of Land use, Smart agriculture FARMER DATA Technological Science Research

Capacity Building on digital .. 1/ farmers 2/ advisory services 2/ Cultural Networks & Collective action Data empowers Farmer’s associations/Coop Advisors/Researchers/Extension… through 2/ Education New services models development and acceptance (benefit of data sharing !!) Thanks to new knowledge, decision making systems IT +AI For Improved & sustainable farm and resources management / practices FARMER DATA Technological Science Research

Cultural Education FARMER 3/ Technological DATA Heterogeneity of On farm data interoperability Data science and analytics , Open Access [Scientific Disciplines (topics) + ICT (devices, systems..)] collaborative science On Concrete Topics & Themes (SDG), use case ?: sustainability, yield monitoring Food security & nutrition, Biodiversity, Inclusive value chains, Food Processing, Natural resource management, Waste, ecosystem services 3/ Science Research

Recommandation for the WG Recommandation Should we rather envisage « Trusted distributed IS / data sharing model » ? (rather than a Centralised model), => strong interoperability + integration Interlinkage with other groups Actors Barriers & Challenges to be considered ACTORS important to involve: Development practitioners R&D Org NGO’s Governments Private sector (IT techno, agric. Equipt or Service providers Statisticians Modelers (quantitative methods professions), international organizations Policy makers … Digital Divide Data Policy Knowledge skills Generational issues Cultural barriers (gender, equity..) SHIFT to more Data-Driven activities Resources Scales , Scopes

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